Randall Comfort was born on Apr. 27, 1871 in New York. Randall married Anna Pauline Albertes on Aug. 24, 1918.
White, James T. The National Cyclopædia of American Biography. Vol. XVIII. New York, 1922. 184. Web.
COMFORT, Randall, lawyer and historical author, was born in New York city, Apr. 27, 1871, son of John Elijah and Lucy (Randall) Comfort. He was prepared for college at Columbia Grammar School, and was graduated with honors at Columbia College in 1892. After making a tour of Europe he entered the New York Law School, was graduated three years later and admitted the New York bar. In addition to his legal practice he has become an enthusiastic antiquarian and student of historical relics in and about New York. He has discovered a quantity of interesting historical documents in the possession of members of the older New York families and has been carefully making photographic copies of the most valuable of these historical data to preserve for the future historian. During his researches Mr. Comfort discovered the remains of an old Indian cave and surrounding fortifications. He is the author of: "The History of Bronx Borough" (1906) and the Bronx section of "Historical Guide to the City of New York" (1911). He was married Aug. 24, 1918, to Anna Pauline, daughter of John Albertes of Orange, N. J., a member of an old American family of Italian descent.
Richard Gildersleeve was born in 1601 in Suffolk, England. Richard passed away in 1681 in Hempstead, Long Island, New York.
Andrews, Charles M. "A Biographical Bypath Through Early New England History." New England Magazine Feb. 1893. Web.
There is a brief account in Besse. Sufferings of the People called Quakers. II. pp. 182-3. "Robert Hodgson went to Hampstead and he had a Meeting with some of his Friends who dwelt there; where he met with barbarous Usage. He was brought before one Geldersleeve, a magistrate," etc. This was the first persecution under the Dutch, and took place in 1657.
Besse, Joseph. A Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called Quakers. Vol. II. London, 1753. 182. Web.
Robert Hodgſon went to Hamſtead, and had a Meeting with some of his Friends who dwelt there; where he met with barbarous Uſage: He was brought before one Gelderſleeve, a Magiſtrate there, who ſent him to Priſon, and rode to the Dutch Governour to inform him what he had done; and returning with a Guard of Muſquetiers, they ſearched the Priſoner, and took away his Bible and Papers, and kept him pinion'd all Night, and next Day enquiring who had entertained him, took into Cuſtody two Women, one of whom had a Child ſucking at her Breaſt. They put the Women into a Cart, and faſtened Robert to the Cart's Tail, pinion'd, and ſo drew him through the Woods in the Night, whereby he was grievouſly hurt; thus they brought him back to New-Amſterdam, now New-York, and put him into a naſty Dungeon, wherein were many Vermin, and the Women into another Place of Confinement.
Gildersleeve, Willard Harvey. Gildersleeves of Gildersleeve, Conn. Meriden, 1914. 7-8. Web.
Richard Gildersleeve, born in 1601 in County Suffolk, England, came to America in the Puritan Emigration of 1630-1640. Pausing at Watertown, Mass., he joined the small band of Puritan settlers who set out through the wilderness to settle the new colony of Connecticut. He made a home for himself in 1636, at Wethersfield, on the west side of High street, facing the Common near the river. He was one of the earliest proprietors of Naubuc Farms in Glastonbury when it was first surveyed. Discontented with conditions here, he journeyed down to the new colony just planted at New Haven where he was enrolled among the first proprietors of New Haven Colony in 1639. In 1641, he moved from Wethersfield to Stamford, Conn., where he was deputy to the General Court at New Haven. In 1644, he moved over with the first settlers of Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., where he soon became one of the most influential and largest land proprietors. He was a "schepen," or Dutch magistrate under Governor Stuyveseant, 1644-1664. The first persecution of the Quakers by the Dutch came as a result of Magistrate Gildersleeve's activity.
During the Dutch-Indian War, he lived in Newtown, L. I., as one of the first proprietors and magistrates, 1652-1656. In 1664, when New York was captured by the English, he was appointed colonial commissioner by Connecticut. However, by the Duke of York's patent he became a royal subject once more. In 1669, he was one of that notable gathering of deputies from the English towns of Long Island who framed a petition, which fairly breathed the spirit of liberty manifested in the Declaration of Independence later. Lovelace, the Royal governor, had oppressed the towns severely. Mr. Gildersleeve, as deputy of Hempstead, refused absolutely to pay taxes without representation. It is impossible to say what would have happened, if, in 1673, New York had not been captured by the Dutch.
In 1674, New York was restored to the English. Richard Gildersleeve was deputy to New York to the Dutch Council. He also held very many offices of trust and honor in the town besides figuring in many of the exchanges of vast tracts of land. His main occupation lasting through life was that of surveyor. He was a Puritan of Puritans, fiery, and intolerant, strict and harsh in his official duties, but then the times were harsh enough to try the most heroic soul amidst the early settlements of the United States. He represented the town in all its dealings with the Indians, especially with Tackapousha, Sachem of the Marsapeage Indians. His wife was born in 1601 and witnessed in 1676 the final Indian exchange. He had three children, Richard, Samuel and Anna, the wife of John Smith, Nant., who came from Nantucket.
Sarah Wines married Joseph Youngs on Oct. 16, 1660 in Southold, Long Island, New York.
Craven, Charles E. "The Occupation of the Land." A History of Mattituck. 1906. 40. Web.
Joseph Youngs, Jr., never settled on this property, but dying early left it to his widow, Sarah, a daughter of 1st Barnabas Wines. Sarah sold this lot to her brother, 2d Barnabas Wines, in 1684. The deed of sale* is interesting on several accounts, especially because of the light it sheds on the relations of the Indians with the whites at that early day. An abstract of the deed follows: "Be it known unto all men by these presents yt I, Sarah Yongs of Southold, ye relect weidow of Joseph Yongs leat of Southold aforesaid deceased, for the sum of thirty-six pounds ten shillings have demised granted and sould unto my well beloved [brother] Barnabas Wines, A certaine tract of Land lying and being at Mattatuck being a first lott in Cautchehaug devident containing one hundred and twelve acres more or less, bounded on the west side by the Mattatuck Creek—on the North by the North beach—on the east by a lott belonging to Peter Dickerson, and on the South by the high road way, reserving onely the Indians right and intrest therein for four yeares according to his agreement and bargain, and the yearly rent he is to pay for it I reserve to myself."
*Southold Printed Records, Vol. I., p. 392.
James Alison Maney was born on on Dec. 10, 1855 in Tennessee. James passed away on Jul. 4, 1920 in Monrovia, California at age 64.
Branch: USA | Rank: Colonel |
"Murder at Fort Sheridan." The New York Times 31 Oct. 1893. Web.
FORT SHERIDAN, Ill., Oct. 30.
Capt. Alfred Hedberg of Company I, Fifteenth Infantry, was shot by First Lieut. J. A. Maney, Regimental Quartermaster of the same regiment, at this post to-day.
The men were in front of the cavalry barracks, and the shooting took place in the presence of Sergt. Copeland, two sentinels, and three prisoners who were working near the cavalry stables. Capt. Hedberg died two hours later at the post hospital. Lieut. Maney immediately after the shooting gave himself up to Col. R. E. A. Crofton, commander of the post, who ordered him under arrest and turned a guard to watch him until the civil authorities could be communicated with, or until his superior officers should decide upon a court-martial.
Maney used an army revolver, and fired but one shot, the bullet striking Capt. Hedberg in the groin. The Captain was taken to the hospital by the ambulance corps.
Those who were witnesses of the affair differ as to how it occurred. It is quite certain that the meeting of the two officers was accidental. They soon got into a wordy altercation, had a scuffle, and then Maney drew his revolver and fired at close range, Hedberg falling on his face in the dirt of the stable yard.
Private Edwards says that before the shooting Maney called Hedberg names that in army circles are considered fairly good cause for a shooting, and that Hedberg stood it without doing more than to say, "You are a scoundrel."
Sergt. Copeland, who saw the shooting from a distance of fifty yards, says that Maney drew his revolver, and then told Hedberg to go and get his. Copeland says that Maney advanced toward Hedberg holding his revolver in his hand. In a moment they met and clinched. Maney kicked Hedberg and was in turn kicked. The Captain dropped an armful of parcels that he held and struck at his opponent. Then came the shot.
In view of the fact that Lieut. Maney will probably make the plea that he shot in self-defense, the testimony of other witnesses is important. They say that Maney told Hedberg he was going to shoot him, and that Hedberg was shot while trying to wrest the Lieutenant's pistol from his grasp.
When Capt. Hedberg was taken to the hospital it was discovered that he had a loaded revolver in his pocket. He made no effort to reach it when he was struggling with Lieut. Maney.
There is something back of the shooting this afternoon that army officers are loth to speak about and that privates do not know enough about to give an intelligent story.
There has been talk in the past of Capt. Hedberg's jealousy of Lieut. Maney, who was undoubtedly an admirer of Mrs. Hedberg, a beautiful woman and twenty years her husband's junior. Mrs. Hedberg was told of the shooting by the Chaplain of the post, who was accompanied by the wife of one of the officers. She was completely prostrated and it became necessary to summon the surgeon, who administered an opiate.
The Hedberg quarters are close to the bachelor rooms of Lieut. Maney and the sentinels guarding the prisoner are within sight and sound of the widow of the victim.
Mrs. Hedberg did not arrive at the side of her husband until after he had expired.
Capt. Hedberg had trouble to keep the roster of his company full, and finally the command was "skeletonized" and Hedberg was sent to Chicago on recruiting service. This duty was completed last Spring, and on returning to this post, the Captain was put in command of Company I, which exists only on paper, and the Captain's principal duty has been that of standing his tour of officer of the day. He went but little into society.
Capt. Hedberg was fifty-five years old, came from Sweden, and served as recruiting office the latter years of the war. He was never at West Point. He married his wife in California.
Lieut. Maney is thirty-six years old. He graduated from West Point in the class of '77 and has since been in the service. He has a fighting record, and is an excellent soldier. In various Indian fights he took an active part, and he was conspicuously brave in the Victoria campaign from 1878 to 1882 in New-Mexico. In the Chief Geronimo fight he took an active part. He is very popular at the post.
Capt. Cornish, Officer of the Day, made an examination of the case, calling before him the witnesses to the shooting, and, as already suggested, it is understood among the officers at the post that Lieut. Maney will make the plea of self-defense at the trial.
Col. Crofton has notified the District Attorney of the killing of Capt. Hedberg and the arrest of Lieut. Maney. At the examination Lieut. Maney said:
"The shooting was a result of the trouble I had with Capt. Hedberg a month ago over the kalsomining of his basement, when he threatened to shoot me after an investigation, over which I had charge. I expected Capt. Hedberg to shoot me if I did not get him first, and consequently, in self-defense, I had to protect myself."
Lieut. Maney refused to make any further statement.
Col. R. E. A. Crofton said to-night:
"Up to one month ago both men had been the best of friends. At that time an altercation took place between them about some trivial official affair, and I understand that Capt. Hedberg threatened to kill Lieut. Maney. Since then nothing has occurred to show that the men were such deadly enemies as they have proved to have been.
I believe the shooting was done in self-defense, as Lieut. Maney is not the man to resort to action of that kind without sufficient grounds. I understand that the Captain had a revolver in his pocket at the time of the shooting, but I do not know that he tried to use it. Capt. Hedberg was quick tempered-his best friends admit that-and I really believe that Lieut. Maney shot him in self-defense, as I said before. As to what will be done with Maney I cannot say. There may be a court-martial or a civil trial. The kind will depend upon what the higher authorities say."
Richard Grenville was born in 1542 in Bideford, Devon, England.
William Camp Gildersleeve was born on Dec. 6, 1795 in Georgia. William passed away on Oct. 11, 1871 in Pennsylvania at age 75.
Aman Guion married Margaret Suire. Aman married Elizabeth Samson. He passed away in 1760 in New York.
David Guion married Esther Parcot in 1753. David was buried in New Rochelle, New York.
DAR #A048277 | Service: New York | Rank: Second Lieutenant |
Stufflebean, Debra Guiou, comp. "Descendants of Louis Guion, Ecuyer." May 2017: 31. Kansas Writer. Web.
1790 Census has 2 sons, 2 dau, 4 slaves
Daniel Denton was born in Yorkshire, England. Daniel married Abigail Stevenson and divorced in 1672. He married Hannah Leonard on Apr. 24, 1676 in Springfield, Massachusetts. He passed away in 1703 in New York.
Royster, Paul. Daniel Denton. Lincoln: U of Nebraska, 1984. 1-5. Web.
Daniel Denton, son of the first Presbyterian minister in America, wrote a promotional tract in 1670 to encourage English settlement of territories lately seized from the Dutch. Denton’s A Brief Description of New‐York gives an account of the geographical features and general economy of the country surrounding New York, relates some customs of the native inhabitants, and offers incentives and advice to prospective settlers.
Denton was born around 1626 in Yorkshire, England, son of Helen Windlblank and the Reverend Richard Denton. In the 1640s he accompanied his father to Massachusetts, Connecticut, and eventually Long Island. In 1650 he was made town clerk of Hempstead, where his father was pastor, and in 1656 he held the same position in the town of Jamaica. When his father removed to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Denton remained on Long Island, and in 1664 he became one of the grantees of a patent at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. In 1665 and 1666 he served as justice of the peace in New York. Around 1659, Denton married Abigail Stevenson, who bore three children, and from whom he was divorced in 1672. The two elder children, Daniel and Abigail, remained with their father, while the infant daughter, Mercy, accompanied her mother, who subsequently remarried. Denton left New York for England in 1670 (which may have occasioned his divorce), and there he evidently participated in settlement enterprises and possibly in the newly acquired (by the English) fur trade.
A Brief Description of New‐York: Formerly Called New‐Netherlands is a twenty‐five‐page pamphlet describing the topography, climate, soil, fauna and flora, settlements, crops, products, trades and occupations of the area between the Hudson and Delaware rivers, including Manhattan Island, Staten Island, and Long Island. Denton also included in his pamphlet some anecdotal relations of Indian customs and society. Quite understandably, he did not describe the Indians as a threatening presence, noting that “it hath been generally observed, that where the English come to settle, a Divine Hand makes way for them: by removing or cutting off the Indians, either by Wars one with the other, or by some raging mortal Disease.” Likewise, Denton gave little attention to the Dutch inhabitants of New York, other than to remark how much more effective British force would be in controlling the Indians.
The recurrent theme of Denton’s tract is the New World’s availability of land, and it lays its greatest stress on the material advantages and opportunities of colonial life: “here any one may furnish himself with land, and live rent‐free, yea, with such a quantity of land, that he may weary himself with walking over his fields of Corn, and all sorts of Grain.” The pamphlet’s strongest appeal is to “those which Fortune hath frowned upon in England, to deny them an inheritance amongst their Brethren, . . . [who] may procure here inheritances of land and possessions, stock themselves with all sorts of Cattel, enjoy the benefit of them whilst they live, and leave them to the benefit of their children when they die.” Denton identified America (specifically New York) with this particular trajectory of success, and his tract represents an early prototype of the myth of American soil as the “land of opportunity”: “How many poor people in the world would think themselves happy, had they an Acre or two of Land, whilst here is hundreds, nay thousands of Acres, that would invite inhabitants.”
Denton’s pamphlet reflects other characteristic colonial attitudes as well—most notably a sense of the self‐reliant egalitarian flavor of American society, “where a Waggon or Cart gives as good content as a Coach, and a piece of their home‐made Cloth, better than the finest Lawns or richest Silks,” and a typically Puritan reference to America as the new Promised Land: “I must needs say, that if there be any terrestrial Canaan, ‘tis surely here, where the Land floweth with milk and honey.” Denton was anxious in this last passage to be understood in a literal as well as typological sense, and indeed the secular note dominates throughout the tract. Denton’s early vision of the westward expansion of English culture and his mode of representing the American wilderness as an agrarian frontier were well on their way to becoming conventional tropes in a formalized rhetoric of the New World. Denton’s book exemplifies the migration of ideas from New England southward and westward across the continent, and also the capacity of those ideas to adapt and develop in response to local circumstances.
After A Brief Description of New‐York, Denton published nothing more. He returned to America in 1673, settling in Piscataway in East Jersey, where he was appointed magistrate. The next year, however, he removed to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he taught school and served as the town recorder. In 1676 he married Hannah Leonard by whom he had six children—Hannah, Samuel, Sarah, Elizabeth, Thomas, and Alice. He returned to Jamaica, New York, in 1684, became county clerk of Queens County in 1689, and died intestate in 1703.
Abigail Stevenson married Daniel Denton and divorced in 1672. Abigail married Daniel Whitehead in 1672 in Jamaica, Long Island, New York. She was buried on Oct. 15, 1717 in Jamaica.
"Abstracts of Wills." Collections of the New-York Historical Society. Vol. XXV. 1893. 396-99. Web.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Daniel Whitehead, of Jamaica, in Queens County. I leave to my son, Jonathan Whitehead, besides what I have formerly given him by deed, all my lands, tenements, and appurtenances in Jamaica, between the mill and Wellins path, lying westward of the mill, to John Okeys land, and southwest so far as my land runs. And also all my land on Cow neck in the Town of Hempstead. And all that my ¼ part of the mill standing on Gildersleve Creek, in said neck. And also all my meadow on the Old Town neck, in Jamaica, except that meadow I purchased of Mr. Anthony Waters, deceased, with all the hereditaments, To him my son Jonathan and his heirs, and in default of issue, then to my son Thomas Whitehead and his heirs. I also give to my son Jonathan, my negro man Joe. I leave to my loving wife, Abigail, my dwelling house I now live in, with the land adjoining, bounded on the south by the road to the ferry, on the west by Thomas Smith, north by Anthony Waters, And so much of my meadow as she shall have occasion for, during her life, and after her decease to my son Thomas and his heirs, and in default of such, then to my son Jonathan. I leave to my wife, my negro woman Mary, for life, and then to my daughter Deborah, wife of Thomas Hicks. I leave also to my son Thomas, all that my lot of land lying in the town of Jamaica, by the land of Colonel Henry Filkin; Also all my land on Stewards neck and Quarelsome neck, in Jamaica; Also the lot of land Thomas Chambers now lives on, and my other three lots of land lying by the same, within the bounds of the Township of Flushing; Also all that my lot of land lying as well within as without the Long neck fence in Jamaica; As also all my meadow in Long neck, And all my land and meadow in Hewtree neck, in the bounds of Jamaica, with all the privileges, etc., And also my Indian boy named Cupid. I leave to my grand son, Whitehead Hicks, the second son of my son in law, Thomas Hicks, the husband of my daughter Deborah, all that my land and meadow lying and being within the bounds and Township of Flushing, except the four 20 acre lots given to my son Thomas, To him and his heirs, and in default of such heirs, then to my daughter Deborah and her heirs. I leave to my son in law, Anthony Waters, the present husband of my daughter Elizabeth, all that land now in the possession of my brother, Daniel Whitehead, lying on the east side of the Plain run, joining to Hempstead bounds, That is to say, after the death of my said brother; And also all that my meadow lying in Old Town neck in Jamaica, which I bought of his father, Mr. Anthony Waters, deceased; And also all that my lot of land on the Hills in Jamaica, which was formerly Joseph Thurstons, deceased, To him and his heirs. I leave to my daughter Mary, widow of Thomas Burroughs, all my land at a place called Quaspack, in Orange County, up Hudson river, with all the privileges, during her life, and then to her daughter, Mary Burroughs, and to her heirs. I leave to my son in law, Jacob Doughty, the husband of my daughter Amy, £50. I leave to my wife Abigail, one third of all goods and chattels and the rest to my children above mentioned and to Mercy, wife of Thomas Betts. I leave to my friend, John Hubbard, all that my ⅓ of meadow lying at Oldfields Island, which I bought with my brother, Thomas Oakley, and John Bayley, with all the rights thereto belonging, during the time of his continuance in the work of the ministry in this town of Jamaica, and if he continue in the ministry here till his death, then to his heirs, but if not then to my son Jonathan. I give to the town of Jamaica the sum of £20, towards the maintenance of a Grammar School, for the education of youths within the said town; to be paid in three years after my decease, if there be such a school erected in said town. If not, then it is to be put at interest for three years longer, but if the school is not then established, then to go to my heirs. I leave to my brother, David Whitehead, £20. To Jonathan, son of Jonathan Stevenson, of Norwalk, Connecticut, deceased, £20. I give the £30 which is due to me from the estate of my son in law Daniel Denton, unto his children, and to Gabriel Loffe; "begotten upon the body of Deborah Loffe, the present wife of Gabriel Loffe;" viz., to Daniel Denton, Abigail Denton and Deborah Denton, and to Abigail and Mary Stebbins daughters of Benjamin and Abigail Stebbins, my son and daughter in law. I leave to Catharine, daughter of my brother, David Whitehead, two cows. All the rest of my lands, whether in Queens County or in Nissequogue [Smithtown] in Suffolk County, or elsewhere, are to be sold by my executors. I appoint my wife and son Jonathan executors, and I leave to my loving friends, Thomas Stevenson and Lieutenant Thomas Smith, each £5, and make them overseers.
Dated November 13, 1703. Witnesses, Andrew Gibb, J. Lenoir, S. Clowes.
Codicil. I also give to my daughter Mary, widow of Thomas Burroughs, all that my certain lot of land in Jamaica town, next to the house and lot of Colonel Filkin, containing 2 acres, to her and her heirs and assigns. I also give to my daughter Amy, wife of Jacob Doughty, all that my certain house and lot in Jamaica now in tenure of Samuel Resau. I leave to Mercy, wife of Thomas Betts, £50.
Dated December 9, 1703. Witnesses, John Foreman, S. Clowes, David Waters. Proved in Jamaica, October 30, 1704.
[Note.—The land at Quaspeck is now Rockland Lake in Rockland Co. Mary Burroughs married Brinley Sylvester.—W. S. P.]
Wolfe, Janet Chevalley, and Robert Wolfe. "Notes for Daniel Whitehead and Abigail Stevenson." U of Michigan. Web.
Daniel Denton returned to New York to find that his wife Abigail was pregnant. She admitted infidelity, naming Daniel Whitehead of Jamaica (son of Daniel) as the father. At the Court of Sessions in June 1672, she stood "accused for her incontinency, and committing Adultery in ye absence of her Husband, then about his Occasions in Europe." The lower court sent the case up to Governor Francis Lovelace and his Council, from whom Daniel obtained a bill of absolute divorce on 16 June 1672. On the first Wednesday of October (5 October 1672), Mrs. Denton petitioned the New York General Court of Assizes concerning remarriage. Expressing a great sense of grief and sorrow for her miscarriage against her "late" husband, she had undergone the censure of the law. But she pointed out that since the divorce he was at liberty to remarry. Citing the temptations of a single life, and the need of support for herself and three children on five shillings a week plus what she could earn, she pleaded that in a short time she would become a charge of the town. For that reason she asked permission to remarry. The court acceded, and that same month Abigail married Daniel Whitehead
Richard Martin was born on Nov. 13, 1818 in New Jersey. Richard passed away on Jul. 30, 1902, at home in Pennsylvania, at age 83. He was buried in the Lanesboro Cemetery in Lanesboro, Pennsylvania.
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1840 | Richard Martin | Washington, Morris, New Jersey | ||||
1850 | Richard Martin | 31 | Union, Broome, New York | |||
1860 | Richard Martin | 41 | Harmony, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania | |||
1870 | Richard Martin | 57 | Harmony, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania | |||
1880 | Richard Martin | 61 | Farm Laborer | Richmondville, Schoharie, New York | NJ | NJ |
Comfort, George. Northern Christian Advocate [Syracuse] 19 Nov. 1902. Web.
Richard Martin died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frances Comfort, in Harmony, July 30, 1902. He was born on November 13, 1818, and was nearly eighty-four years of age. He was married on June 2, 1838, to Mrs. Susan Ann Seward, of Easton, Pa., who died February 26, 1895. Since that time he has made his home at his daughter's. There were eight children born to them, Ezra, Frances, Maryetta, Margaret, Esther, Phebe, Emmazilla and Florence, only two of whom survive him.
For over fifty years the writer knew him as a unassuming and candid character, whose whole life was marked with a sincerity and honesty of purpose that to know him was to respect and love him.
He was converted to God in 1858, since which time he trusted his Savior with a child-like simplicity, and sustained a membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, till transferred to the church above. He unfalteringly loved his Bible, reading it much during his last years of loneliness, also his Hymn Book, making frequent reference to some favorite sentiments, of some familiar hymns, and the promises of God's own word. He delighted to have his pastor and others assemble in his room during his last sickness, to read, sing and pray with and for him. His long life—the last of his father's family—ended, his sun has set amid the brightest hopes. We shall meet him again over on "the Evergreen Shore" of everlasting life.
Comfort, Harold. Interview by Connie Comfort. RootsWeb. Ancestry. Web.
Richard Martin was a tall man. He had some Native American ancestry.
United States. Census. 1840. Web.
State: New Jersey
County: Morris
Township: Washington
Head of Family: Richard Martin
Males: 2
Under 05: Ezra Poole Martin, 1838
20 to 30: Richard Martin, 1818
Females: 2
05 to 10: Martha Martin, 1834
20 to 30: Susan Ann Martin, 1810
Daniel St. John died on Jul. 5, 1778 in Pennsylvania.
DAR #A099146 | Service: Connecticut | Description: Killed by Indians |
Harvey, Oscar Jewell. A History of Wilkes-Barré. Vol. II. 1909. 1037. Web.
On Sunday, July 5th, the Indians dispersed themselves throughout the Valley in bands of from five to ten, and began to plunder the inhabitants. Many of the latter—particularly the men who had taken part in the battle—had fled from the Valley before Forty Fort was capitulated. The deserted homes of these people were set on fire by the savage marauders in sheer wantonness. On this day news came to Forty Fort that a Mr. Hickman and his wife and child, living in the house of Isaac Tripp at Capouse (Providence Township), had been murdered by Indians, after which the house had been set on fire and, with the bodies of the dead, almost entirely consumed. Also, that Daniel St. John and James A. Leach had been killed by Indians near Timothy Keyes' sawmill, about six miles up the Lackawanna River. These two men were removing their families and household goods from the Valley, having set out in the morning from "the block-house at the Parker place in Pittston." Their belongings were loaded upon a cart drawn by two yoke of oxen. When the party was waylaid by the Indians St. John was on foot, driving the oxen, while Leach and the women and children were on the cart. Leach had his young child in his arms. Without warning the two men were shot and then scalped by a party of Indians; one of whom took the young child which Leach had been carrying and gave it, all covered with its father's blood, to its mother, saying: "Me no hurt!" The Indians then killed one of the oxen, and departed. The women and children later made their way to the Pittston fort.
Eben Whitney was born on Oct. 22, 1837 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Eben married Sarah Amelia Allen on Apr. 23, 1864. He passed away on Jun. 14, 1921 in Flemington, New Jersey at age 83. He was buried in Flemington.
Branch: USA | Unit: 30th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry | Rank: Captain |
United States. National Park Service. The Civil War. Web. |
Henry Whitney was born on Dec. 10, 1844. Henry married Bertha Stoddard in 1875 in Pella, Iowa. He passed away on Dec. 30, 1924 at age 80.
Branch: USA | Unit: 45th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry | Rank: Lieutenant |
United States. National Park Service. The Civil War. Web. |
Robert Everitt married Esther Butterfield in 1743 in New York. Robert passed away in 1785 in New York.
I am not sure if Robert Everitt was born in England or New York.
DAR #A037896 | Service: New York | Description: Patriotic Service |
"Abstracts of Wills." Collections of the New-York Historical Society. Vol. XXXVII. 1905. 179-80. Web.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Robert Everitt, of Precinct of New Marlborough, Ulster County, N. Y., farmer, seriously considering the uncertainty of human life in the best and more particularly of my own in my declining state of health. I leave to my wife Esther, for life or while my widow one good beadstead, etc., two good cows and six sheep to be kept by my son Daniel for her use; Also flax ground which said son is to sow and dress for her not exceeding one bushell of seed to be sown yearly, full priviledge of my house to live in with my son Daniel, six apple trees, and a decent maintenance out of my estate; Also my negro wench Bell. To my son John, £2, "if paradventure it should so happen that he live in this place again." To son Daniel, the farm I live on, two yoke of good working oxen, "one note of hand of £100 from Barnabas Maney dated Dec. 17th, 1776, and one of £20 from William Brown dated the sixth of March, 1777," also my silver watch and my gun. To my daughters, Nancy, Francis, Patty, Esther and Jane, my moveable estate, equally divided "except as is hereafter excepted": To my daughter Sarah, £5; to my daughter Francis, £5, above that already given her "in consideration of her being an infirm and weakly woman"; to my daughter Jane, £50 and a cow, above her equal share of estate, in consideration of her having lived with and served me longer than any of my daughters. I order my son Daniel to teach my grandson, John Manna, the trade of shoemaking or weaving, and if he remain with him till of age £30, two suits of good clothes, and a horse.
Executors, wife, sons, John and Daniel, and son-in-law Elezer Freer.
Dated Sept. 28, 1781. Witnesses, William Car, Jehiel Semour, Benjamin Ely. Proved, Ulster County, June 28, 1785. Confirmed, New York, July 26, 1785.
Deyo, R. E. Historical Papers. Newburgh: Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands, 1906. 193. Web.
One of the most important events of the year 1775 was the signing of the Articles of Association. Those who signed thereby committed themselves to the cause of the colonies, and the absence of a signature was strong presumptive evidence that its owner sympathized with the mother country.
Barnabas Wines passed away in 1762 on Long Island, New York. He was buried in the Old Burying Ground in Cutchogue, Long Island.
Jean Many was born in 1670 in Meschers-sur-Gironde, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Jean married Jeanne Machet. He died in 1703 in New York.
Baird, Charles W. History of the Huguenot Emigration to America. Vol. II. New York, 1885. 38. Web.
Jean, brother of Jacques, known as Captain Many, married Jeanne, eldest daughter of Jean Machet.
"Brouwer Genealogy." RootsWeb. Ancestry. Web.
John Many is recorded on the tax list in New York City from 1696 through 1699. He lived in the East Ward in one of two houses owned by Carsten (Christopher) Luerson. Capt. William Kidd was living in the next house during some of those years (this has resulted in some descendants speculating that Jean and his brothers, may too, have been involved in piracy). In the 1703 census he is living in the South Ward.
Jordan, John W. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography. Vol. III. New York, 1914. 938. Web.
Two brothers, Jacques and Jean Maney, lived at Meschers, a village on the Gironee, France, the latter being a sea captain and known as Captain Maney. They were Huguenots and fled to England, probably at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in 1685. From England they came to America, joining the Narragansett colony in Rhode Island in 1686. Jacques married Anne, daughter of Francois Vincent, both of them being members of the Huguenot church in New York in 1692. Jean married, prior to 1696, Jeanne, daughter of Jean Machet, and was a member of the same church.
Waters, Edward Stanley. "Notes on Some Huguenot Families." Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of America. Vol. III. New York, 1903. 268-69. Web.
Jean was apparently the elder brother of Jacques, with whom he was denizened, London, Apl. 15, 1693.
He is called "cappitaine," and like his brother, commanded a ship in the West India trade. May 19, 1701, the "Brigantine Lawrell, John Many, Master, from Jamaica" arrived. About 1700 is found an account of sums paid for John Machet, Jr., since the decease of John, his father, by John Manny in the sickness and at the death of the said J. M. Jr. decd., in Jamaica, £13. He md. Jeanne, dau. of Jean & Jeanne (Thomas) Machet of New Rochelle, to whom admn. on his estate, "late of N. Y., lately decd." was granted May 22, 1703. His inventory contained one bible, two silver spoons, six silver forks, one negro woman and her —. In money £200. Presd. by James Many & Elias Boudinot, Feb. 2, 1703/4. She was living in 1706.
By wife Jeanne he had issue:
I. ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 6, a deux heures apres minuit, 1696, bap. 13, pres. par Pierre Machet et Elizh. Fulheux.
II. JEAN, b. Aug. 31, bap. Sept. 28, 1698; pres par Mr. Jean Pinaud et Made. Marianne Machet.
III. JACQUES, b. Oct. 5, bap. 12, 1700 par Mr. Peiret, pres. par Jacques Many et Anne Vincens.
These brothers were perhaps the James Many and John Many, who signed the Act of Opposition to the dismissal of the Rev. Mr. Rou, Sept. 24, 1724.
Jean Machet was born in La Tremblade, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Jean married Jeanne Thomas in 1662 in France. He passed away in 1699 in New York.
Jeanne Thomas was born in France. Jeanne married Jean Machet in 1662 in France. She passed away in 1708 in New Rochelle, New York.
John Hilborn McKune was born in 1819 in New York. John married Mary Gibson Bennett on Feb. 26, 1855 in California. He was an abolitionist attorney in the trial of Archy Lee in 1858 in Sacramento, California. He passed away on Mar. 22, 1905 in Sacramento.
"Chinese Servant Arrested." Los Angeles Herald 12 May 1901: 7. California Digital Newspaper Collection. Web.
SACRAMENTO. May 11.—Ah Chung, a Chinese servant in the employ of Judge J. H. McKune, was arrested today on a charge of stealing diamond rings, valued at $1600, from Mrs. Julia Dunn of San Francisco, who is a guest at the McKune residence.
Guinn, J. M. History of the State of California. Chicago, 1906. 364. Web.
Remembered as one of the oldest and most eminent members of the bar of Sacramento county, Hon. J. H. McKune, who died March 23, 1905, is named among the representative citizens of this section of the state of California. He was a native of New York state, his birth having occurred in Sullivan county March 23, 1819. Becoming a resident of Pennsylvania, he read law in the office of Bently & Richards at Montrose, Susquehanna county, from 1839 to 1844, at the close of that period being admitted to the bar at that place. He remained a citizen of Montrose for the ensuing four years, engaged in the practice of his profession, when he removed to Illinois and resumed practice in Lee Center, Lee county.
The following year he came overland to California, on the 7th of May leaving Independence, Mo., and on the 1st of September crossing the Sierra Nevada mountains at a point near where the present railroad crosses. Like the great majority of those who sought the state at that time, his first employment was in gold mining at Nevada City, in which occupation he remained for a short time. He hunted deer in the fall of 1849, and in January of the following year came to Sacramento, where he resided until his death, with the exception of two years spent in San Francisco. At the election April 5, 1850, he was chosen county attorney and held the office for two years. Following this he was appointed law agent for the United States land commission, which office he held for a like period, being the only agent appointed in California. At the general election of 1856 he was elected on the Democratic ticket to the legislature, and during the session of 1857 he took a prominent part, acting as chairman of the committee appointed to conduct the impeachment of State Treasurer Bates.
At the regular election of 1858 he was elected district judge of the sixth judicial district, a candidate of the Douglas Democrats, and five years later was elected to the same office on the Republican ticket. He held the office until the 31st of December, 1869. In company with John C. Burch and Creed Haymond, he was appointed by Governor Booth as code commissioner to compile the statutes that were ratified by the legislature in 1871-72. It is said that Judge McKune was connected with more celebrated law suits than any other attorney in Sacramento county; while he also compiled all of the ordinances of the city of Sacramento (except a few touching franchises) into one ordinance numbered 17, and that number is still preserved among the ordinances of the city.
February 26, 1855, Judge McKune was united in marriage with Mary G. Bennett, of San Francisco, and they became the parents of two children: Florence A. and Charles Ralph, the latter of whom died in June, 1889, at the age of thirty one years. Fraternally he was a Mason and an Odd Fellow, and took a great interest in the Grange from its organization. He was always an indefatigable worker, and only retired from practice two years prior to his death. He was a member of the Society of California Pioneers and of the Sacramento Society.
Stocker, Rhamanthus M. Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1887. 87. Web.
Joseph T. Richards, son of Daniel and Lydia Richards, read law with William Jessup, and was admitted to the bar May 8, 1838. He practiced law at Montrose for about twelve years, in partnership with B. S. Bentley a portion of the time. He was a well-read lawyer, and accurate in office-work. He went to California for his health, by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Here he contracted a fever. He partly regained his health, and formed a partnership with Judge John H. McKune, a former student of Bentley's. The partnership had been in existence only two weeks when they were burned out in the great fire that occurred at Sacramento, escaping only with his life, in his night-clothes. The exposure and excitement incident to this calamity soon terminated his life. He died in 1852.
Stocker, Rhamanthus M. Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1887. 574. Web.
John Hilborn McKune, the eldest son of Robert and Mary McKune, has so great distinction in California that his many friends and acquaintances in Susquehanna County hold him in highest admiration. He was born in Sullivan County, N. Y., in 1819. His mother was his principal instructor; yet a few months each year he attended school at the log schoolhouse that stood near where the Starrucca viaduct is now. In 1819 he entered the law-office of Bentley & Richards, at Montrose, as a student, and was admitted to the Susquehanna bar in 1844. In 1849 he went to California, settled in Sacramento City, and in 1850 was elected county attorney. In 1854, he was appointed United States law agent by President Pierce, to ascertain and settle private land claims. He was a member of the Democratic Electoral College of California in 1856; in 1857 a member of the Legislature, chairman of the committee appointed to impeach State Treasurer Bates; in 1858 district judge for the Sixth Judicial District, and held the office eleven years. In 1872, he was appointed code commissioner to revise and codify the State laws. He is also a member of the "Society of Pioneers'' of California.
United States. National Park Service. Civil Rights, Racial Protest, and Anti-Slavery Activism in San Francisco. By Albert S. Broussard. Web.
The most dramatic fugitive slave case in California involved an eighteen year old slave from Mississippi named Archy Lee. Lee had come to California in 1857 with his owner, Charles Stovall, who settled in Sacramento and hired out Lee in order to earn a wage. Stovall taught school for several months, but as time passed he grew increasingly concerned about Lee's loyalty and the effect that residing in California, a free state, might be having on his bondsman. When Stovall attempted to locate Archy and send him back to Mississippi, he found, to his dismay, that his slave had disappeared. Lee had initially hid in the Hotel Hackett, a business owned by free blacks in Sacramento, which had, next to San Francisco, one of the most politically active black communities in the state. Stovall, however, eventually had Lee arrested and brought to trial.
Despite the previous support of the California Fugitive Slave Law, which had expired in April 1855, a number of white antislavery supporters came forward to defend Lee and attempted to prevent his return to Mississippi. Attorneys Edwin Bryant Crocker, a former abolitionist from Indiana and the brother of Charles Crocker, who founded the Southern Pacific Railroad, and John H. McKune represented Lee in a Sacramento County court. Additionally, the noted antislavery attorney Joseph W. Winans, and numerous African Americans supported Lee. When Lee's case came before Judge Robert Robinson's court, the judge ruled that the black slave was a free man. But Lee's freedom was short-lived, for Stovall's attorneys had Lee arrested immediately and brought before a new judge in the hope of receiving a more sympathetic verdict. The state supreme court agreed that Archy Lee should return to slavery, much to the horror of his supporters.
Neither black San Franciscans nor white abolitionists, however, had any intention of allowing Lee to return to Mississippi. Blacks and whites mobilized their resources. Blacks from every social and economic class contributed funds in earnest to support Lee's defense. The well-known Republican attorney, Edward O. Baker, the product of Quaker parents and one of the great orators of the day, headed Lee's defense. When Stovall attempted to sail back to Mississippi with his bondsman, Lee, in a daring rescue, was taken from aboard a ship in the middle of San Francisco Bay, where he was arrested and protected. Stovall, his owner, was served with a writ for holding a slave illegally in California. Archy Lee's capture set the stage for a legal showdown in San Francisco.
In a brilliant defense, Colonel Edward D. Baker argued that the state supreme court had made a mockery of the constitution and pleaded, before a United States Commissioner, that Archy Lee be set free. Baker argued that Archy was not a fugitive across state lines, clearly in violation of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act, but rather someone who had sought his freedom within the geographical confines of California. The federal commissioner agreed and declared Archy Lee a free man.
Richard Gildersleeve married Dorcas Williams in 1654 in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Richard passed away in 1691 in Hempstead.
Gildersleeve, Willard Harvey. Gildersleeves of Gildersleeve, Conn. Meriden, 1914. 8. Web.
In the Dutch-Indian War, he moved to Newtown, L. I., where he was one of the earliest proprietors. In 1656, he moved back again to Hempstead, L. I., where he became a large landed proprietor and a prominent citizen. He served as town clerk for many years. Besides other offices, he was town surveyor for many important cases. He was town drummer, calling the settlers to worship and for town meetings. In 1680, he bought the old meeting house which had a fort around it for safety against the Indians. His wife, Dorcas, witnessed many deeds, and lived on the homestead in Hempstead village until her death in 1704. Mr. Gildersleeve died in 1691, making a will, which is preserved in Jamaica, L. I. He had four children, Richard, Jr., Thomas, Elizabeth and Dorcas, the wife of Thomas Lester of Hempstead.
The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. 1987. Rpt. in Long Island Source Records. By Henry B. Hoff. Baltimore, 2001. 130-31. Web.
Gildersleeve, Richard, of Hempstead, 7 Apr., 1690. To wife, Dorkiss, the dwelling, some land, riding horse, etc.; to sons Richard & Thomas, meadow at Merrick west neck; to dau. Dorkiss Lester eight acres at Newfield; to dau. Elizabeth Gildersleeve eight acres; to Phebe Thickstone a cow. Son Richard exr. Wits: John Sering & Joseph Pettit. Pro. 21 May, 1691.
Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve was born on Oct. 23, 1831 in Charleston, South Carolina. Basil married Elizabeth Fisher Colston on Sep. 18, 1866 in Virginia. He passed away on Jan. 9, 1924 at home in Baltimore, Maryland at age 92. He was buried in the University of Virginia Cemetery in Charlottesville.
Branch: CSA | Unit: 1st Virginia Cavalry | Rank: Private |
Thomas Betts was born in 1662. Thomas married Mercy Denton Whitehead on Apr. 3, 1683 in New York. He passed away in 1709 in New York.
The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. 1987. Rpt. in Long Island Source Records. By Henry B. Hoff. Baltimore, 2001. 138-39. Web.
Betts, Thomas of Newtown 29 June 1709. Devised to wife Mary life use of his estate & lands between the road to Capt. Betts & the road to Hell Gate; she to pay £50 to two eldest daus. Mercy Hazard & Abigail Betts, when Abigail is eighteen. To son Richard the land willed me by my father Richard at Mespatt Kills. To sons Thomas & Daniel the homestead, when of age, they to pay £25 to each of their sisters, viz :—Mercy Hazard, Abigail Betts, Joannah Betts, Mary Betts, Elizabeth Betts, & Deborah Betts, when they reach 21. Exrs: wife & son Richard. Overseers: John Berrien & John Stevenson. Wits: Joseph Sackett, Philip Ketcham, & John Denman. Pro. 23 Sept. 1709.
Wolfe, Janet Chevalley, and Robert Wolfe. "Notes for Thomas Betts and Mercy Whitehead." U of Michigan. Web.
1698 Thomas Betts was listed as an inhabitant of Newtown, Long Island with a family of 12 persons and 4 negros in a census taken in August.
Richard Betts was born in 1613 in Hertfordshire, England. Richard passed away on Nov. 18, 1713 in Long Island, New York. He was buried on Nov. 20, 1713.
"Abstracts of Wills." Collections of the New-York Historical Society. Vol. XXVI. 1894. 113-14. Web.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Richard Betts, of Newtown, in Queens County, on Nassau Island, yeoman, being in good health. I leave to my wife Johanah, all my homestead and buildings and lot of land belonging to the same, lying between the lands of John Scudder and Richard Betts, son of Thomas Betts, deceased; Also my tract of land between the way that leads to the narrow passage and the land of Samuel Albertus, and the meadow adjoining to the same; Also all my movable estate, and liberty to get what hay she may have occasion for during her life. After the decease of my wife I leave to my son, Richard Betts, my Camlet cloak, for his birthright, and all my right and interest in lands in Plunder neck; Also my house and home lot and buildings; Also ½ of the lands and meadows that lyeth below the road, that leads from the English Kill to the Dutch Kills, bounded by Samuel Albertus and John Allen, with all the appurtenances; Also ½ the meadow land above the homestead, situate between the lands of John Scudder and Richard Betts, sons of Thomas Betts, deceased. I leave to my grand son, Richard Betts, son of Thomas Betts, my tract of land lying between the way that leads to the narrow passage and the land of Samuel Albertus, up to Newtown spring; Also ½ the meadow and upland, that lyeth between the road that leads from the English Kills to the Dutch Kills, bounded by Samuel Albertus and John Allen. All movable estate after my wife's death to my daughters, Johanah Sander, Mary Swazy, and Martha Ketcham, and the children of my daughter, Elizabeth Sackett, deceased, and the children of my daughter, Sarah Hunt, deceased. I appoint my sons in law, Joseph Sackett and Phillip Ketcham, executors.
Witnesses, John Donan, Hannah Field, John Gould. Proved, November 26, 1713.
The Family Record [Newburgh] Feb. 1897. Web. Poyer was rector of Episcopal churches.
CAPT. RICHARD BETTS, the father of Elizabeth, the first wife of Capt. Joseph Sackett, was born Hertfordshire, England, in the year 1613. He came to New England about the year 1635, and in 1636 settled at Newtown, Mass., from which place, prior to 1642, he removed to Ipswich, where he remained until about 1654, when he became a permanent resident of Newtown, Long Island. There he soon acquired prominence and influence, and for upwards of half a century participated largely in public affairs. In the revolution of 1663 he bore a zealous part, and after the conquest of New Netherlands by the English he was a member from Newtown of the Provisional Assembly, held at Hempstead in 1665. He was "High Sheriff of Yorkshire, upon Long Island" from 1678 to 1681. For a long series of years he was a magistrate, and several times a member of the "High Court of Assize," then the supreme power in the province. His name is honorably mentioned in upwards of thirty distinct paragraphs on the pages of "Riker's Annals of Newtown," the last of which reads as follows: "The last survivor of the original purchasers, Capt. Richard Betts, died on Nov. 18, of this year" (1713), "at the patriarchal age of a hundred years. None in the township has been so eminent as he for commanding influence and valuable public service. His remains were interred on his own estate at the English Kills, on the 20th, with a funeral service by Mr. Poyer, rector of Jamaica Parish."
O'Gorman, William. Long Island Star. Rpt. in A History of Long Island. By Peter Ross. Vol. I. 1902. 709. Web.
He became a bitter opponent to Director Pieter Stuyvesant and the little town of Bushwick, which he had founded. Under leave from the Governor, the English settlers had planted their town, but were refused the usual patent, and in 1656 Richard Betts administered a severe blow to Stuyvesant by purchasing the land for himself and fifty-five associates, from the red men, at the rate of one shilling per acre. The total cost amounted to £68 16s. 4d. which, with the sum of £76 9s. paid to the sachems Pomwaukon and Rowerowestco, extinguished the Indian title to Newtown.
Silas Gildersleeve Comfort was born on May 18, 1803 in New York. He passed away on Jan. 10, 1868 in New York at age 64. He was buried in the Riverside Cemetery in Endicott, New York.
Beauchamp, William M. Past and Present of Syracuse and Onondaga County New York. Vol. II. 1908. 232-35. Web.
Rev. Dr. Silas Comfort was a prominent minister in the Methodist church. In 1835 he was transferred by Bishop Morris from Potsdam, New York, to the First Methodist Episcopal church in St. Louis, Missouri. By his ruling in introducing the testimony of a negro (slave) church member in the trial (which resulted in the expulsion) of a white member, he originated the famous “Silas Comfort Negro Testimony Case,” which in the general conference at Baltimore, Maryland, in 1840, nearly disrupted that church on the subject of slavery and largely contributed to the tension which caused the secession of the southern Methodists in 1844. Owing to the violence of the agitation in Missouri caused by this “Negro Testimony Case,” he returned to New York state in 1842, taking the pastorate of the Methodist church in Cazenovia and afterward the presiding eldership of the Wyoming, Oneida and Cazenovia districts of the Oneida conference. He was a member of the general conference of 1848 and 1852. He was a great student in theology and history, contributed articles to the Methodist Quarterly Review, and was the author of: The Exposition of the Articles of Faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the End of the Argument (on universal salvation) and Man’s Moral History. He always stood for reform and progress and it is therefore fitting that the recent prohibition presidential candidate, Silas Comfort Swallow, should have been named in his honor.
Anna Amelia Manning was born on Jan. 19, 1845 in Trenton, New Jersey. Anna married George Fisk Comfort on Jan. 19, 1871. She passed away on Jan. 11, 1931. Her death at age 85 was due to pneumonia. She was buried in the Oakwood Cemetery in Syracuse, New York.
“Take up the white man’s burden,”— “Take up the white man’s burden,”— “Take up the white man’s burden,”— “Take up the white man’s burden,”— “Take up the white man’s burden,”— “Take up the white man’s burden,”— “Take up the white man’s burden,”—Comfort, Anna Manning. "Home Burdens of Uncle Sam." Ed. Louis F. Post. The Public [Chicago] 13 May 1899: 14. Web.
Yes, Uncle Sam, oh, do!
But why seek other countries
Your burdens to renew?
Great questions here confront you,
Then, too, we have a past—
Don’t pose as a reformer!
Why, nations look aghast!
But try to lift more true.
Recall the poor wild Indian
Whom ruthlessly we slew.
Ignoble was our treatment,
Ungenerously we dealt
With him and his hard burden,
‘Tis known from belt to belt.
The negro, once our slave!
Boast lightly of his freedom,
This problem still is grave.
We scoff and shoot and lynch him,
And yet, because he’s black,
We shove him out from office
And crowd him off the track.
Yes, one of them is sex.
Enslaved are your brave women,
No ballot, while you tax!
Your labors and your conflicts
Columbia’s daughters share,
Yet still denied the franchise,
Quick give! be just! deal fair!
Start in with politics.
Clean out the rotten platform,
Made up of tricks and tricks,—
Our politics disgraceful,
In church and school and state.
We have no “ruling bosses,”
Oh, no! the country's great.
But, oh, if you are wise
You’ll seek not “motes” far distant,
With “beams” in your own eyes.
Why fight the foreign despots,
Or Filipino isles?
Come, “scrap it” with “home tyrants!”
And politicians’ wiles.
Right here In our own times.
Give justice, ‘tis demanded
This side of distant climes.
Yes, take the white man’s burden,
But take it here at home;
With self, oh, Samuel, wrestle,
And cease the seas to roam!
Who's Who in New York City and State. Ed. Lewis R. Hamersly. Revised ed. New York, 1905. 209. Web.
COMFORT, (Mrs.) Anna Manning:
Physician; born Trenton, N. J., Jan. 19, 1845; daughter of Alfred Curling and Elizabeth (Price) Manning; academic education in Boston, Mass.; was graduated from the first class of the N. Y. Medical College for Women in 1865; was the first woman medical graduate to practice in the State of Connecticut; later a lecturer in the college from which she was graduated, and specialist in gynecology in N. Y. City and Syracuse; author: Woman's Education and Woman's Health; also of many fugitive articles in prose and poetry in various medical and other periodicals; married Professor George F. Comfort (q. v.), Jan. 19, 1871. Address, Syracuse, N. Y.
Henry Mellor was baptized on Jun. 25, 1843 in Taxal, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, England. Henry Garlick married his cousin Elizabeth Jane Mellor on Oct. 25, 1875. Henry passed away on Nov. 20, 1895 in Central City, Colorado. He was buried in the Knights of Pythias Cemetery in Central City.
Henry Garlick was part of the Black Hills Gold Rush, so he was probably an illegal migrant in the Great Sioux Reservation.
![]() |
![]() |
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | |
1850 | Henry Mellor | 06 | Charles Chaloner | |||
1860 | Henry Garlick | 17 | Clifton, Grant, Wisconsin | GB | GB | |
1880 | Henry Garlick | 35 | City Treasurer | Central City, Gilpin, Colorado | GB | GB |
Cheshire. Baptisms. 1843. Web.
Date: June 25
Parish: Taxal
Name: Henry Mellor
Mother: Ann
Address: Peak Forest
Occupation: Spinster
Note: Illegitimate
The Weekly Register-Call 22 Nov. 1895. Web.
Died. In Central City, Colo., Nov. 20, 1895, Henry Garlick, aged 52 years, of miner’s disease. Deceased came to Colorado in the early sixties from Wisconsin. He remained here until the gold excitement in South Dakota, and in 1876 left here for Deadwood. After engaging in mining at that place, he returned to Central and made it his place of residence ever since. He served the people of this city in various positions, among them that of treasurer. He was a native of England, his parents locating in Wisconsin, from which state he emigrated to Colorado. He leaves a wife and five children and other relatives in Central and Black Hawk. The funeral occurred this afternoon from his late residence at 1:30 o’clock. Interment was made in the city cemetery.
The Weekly Register-Call 24 Feb. 1893. 21 Feb. 2013. Web.
Harry Garlick & Company are working in a 90 foot shaft at the Americus Mine, west of the Fraser shaft on that vein. This week they have been having a run made at the Polar Star stamp mill in Black Hawk.
Mellor Comfort Garlick was born on Dec. 18, 1916 in Arvada, Colorado. Mellor married on Jul. 3, 1942. He passed away on Jun. 24, 2003, at home in Copperas Cove, Texas at age 86. He was buried in Austin, Texas.
Branch: USA | Rank: Sergeant |
"Sergeant Has Preference For Old Weapons." The Armored Sentinel 10 June 1960: 14. The Portal to Texas History. University of North Texas. Web.
SFC Mellor C. Garlick has a preference for the kind of weapons not seen much around these parts anymore – arrowheads, tomohawks and knives. He has more than 6,000 such items, gathered over a period of 30 years. He began when he was eight years old. Sergeant Garlick, a member of Company B, 35th Armor, 2d Armored Division, has done most of his collecting in California, Virginia, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada. Among his artifacts are camp tools – like scrapers and knives – that are thousands of years old. He has dot-points believed to have been used before the bow and arrow came into existence, some 6 to 10,000 years ago. They're spear-like objects, ranging from two to six inches in length, that were launched from a throwing stick. In 1955, when Sergeant Garlick was stationed at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., he helped Arizona Museum researchers excavate in the desert near Herford, Ariz. He worked after duty hours for about three months. The mammals the group uncovered included mammoths, bison, camels and horses 15 to 20,000 years old.
Temple Daily Telegram. 25 June 2003. Web.
Mellor "Mel" C. Garlick, 86, of Copperas Cove died Tuesday, June 24, at his residence.
Services will be 2 p.m. Friday at Sheppard Funeral Home in Copperas Cove with Dr. Rodney B. Kruse officiating. Burial will be in Bellwood Crematory.
He was born in Arvada, Colo., to Henry Mellor and Nellie Comfort Garlick. He served in the U.S. Army. He married Maxine Sparks on July 3, 1942. He was a Methodist.
Survivors are his wife; a daughter, Donna Mollenkamp of Macksville, Kan.; a son, David Garlick of Pflugerville; four grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Scott and White Hospice, 2401 S. 31st St., Temple, 76508. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.
Frances Lenore Garlick was born on Feb. 9, 1918 in Colorado. Frances passed away on May 12, 1976 at age 58. She was buried in the Crown Hill Cemetery in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
I know nothing about Mr. Walton.
Garlick, Frances Lenore. Trip to Seattle. 1932. MS.
The waves are always big pounding rolling - splashing waves and the beach is smooth. On the edge of the beach lay ancient, big trees that have drifted in and laid there for years and years. We couldn't find any shells by the ocean because the Indians probably have picked them all up.
The ocean is very seldom ever still. Around the ocean is an old Indian Reservation. We saw a little tiny Indian boy walking up the street. I saw an old Indian squaw sitting on the porch, wrapped in a blanket. She was weaving.
01–0506. July 21We left Salt Lake City early the next morning. We went through Ogden then Brigham. We ate lunch on a road then traveled until we came to Burley, Idaho. We camped there that night. 07. July 22The next morning went on until we came to Twin Falls. We did not see Twin Falls but we stopped to see Shoshone Falls. They weren't very pretty because they didn't have enough water running. The next day we went to Boise, Idaho. We camped somewhere around there. 08. July 23The next morning we were on the Old Oregon Trail. After we went for a while we saw the Columbia River. It sure is big. As we went on it was prettier and prettier. We went through about five tunnels. We saw many pretty falls. 09. July 24From Portland we went to Washington. In Vancouver, Washington we saw many steamboats and ships on the Hood Bay. Soon we ate lunch along the Sequim Bay. After that we went on in to Sequim where we stopped for awhile. Then we went to get a cabin. The cabins were on a hill over the Sequim Bay. 10. July 27The next morning we went down to the beach as soon as we ate breakfast and dug clams. We sure did get a lot. The water was way down. The way to get them is to watch for water spurting up out of the ground then dig them up. After that we went berry hunting. We know how to open clams and fix them. We had clam soup. 11. July 28The next morning we got packed to go again. We were going to La Push which is an Indian Reservation. We saw many trees along the way that were burnt. On some of the hills there was nothing but old dead trees that look like real tall telephone poles. Soon we saw a lake. I think it was Lake Sutherland. It was about two miles long. After that we saw Crescent Lake. It is very beautiful. The road is down close to the lake most of the way and you can see how blue and clear the lake is. It is just like someone dumped a bottle of bluing in it. The lake is about ten miles long. 12. July 29 & 30The next morning early for Ludlow Bay, because we were going to ferry across the straits to get to Seattle. We got there 30 minutes before the ferry came in, but it wasn't long before it did come. It looked like a ship to us and it seemed like we were riding in a ship too. It is nice inside; it is big too. We soon arrived at Seattle. We got out of the ferry and took a picture of the ferry. We drove on until we found a camp. We ate lunch. In Seattle the roads are straight up and down. We could hardly get up or down with our car. The houses in Seattle are big mansions. The town in much bigger than Denver and there are many big lakes around there. The biggest was a harbor. We saw all kinds of ships in Seattle. 13. July 31We got up early the next morning and started to Vancouver in British Columbia. Just before we entered Vancouver we had to stop at the Immigration Inspection on the border just before we entered Canada. After the car was inspected and everything else we went on into British Columbia. We reached Vancouver at noon time. There sure are a lot of Japs there. It was raining so that we couldn't see anything. We couldn't take pictures either, so we rented a cabin and the next morning we were back in the U.S. We stopped at Bellingham to see aunt Jane. She sure has a nice house. We went out to see uncle Ed. 14. August 2We left Seattle that morning and kept going. In the afternoon we were in some real prairie. We saw the Columbia River and more. We camped that night at a place called Soap Lake. They said that it is good for rheumatism and everything else. Everything smells soapy around there. 15. August 3The next morn we went on and soon we entered southern Idaho. We drove on until we came to Spokane. It is a rather dry place with pine trees. We were there for a while, then we went on until we came to Wallace where we stayed that night. It is a mining and milling place. 16. August 4The next night we stayed at Avon. We rented a log cabin on a farm. 17. August 5From Avon we went on until we came to some little town where we ate lunch, then went on until we came to Boseman. We stayed there that night. In the morning about 11 we arrived at Yellowstone National Park. It cost three dollars to get in the park. The first thing we came to was Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace. There wasn't much water running on it. We went on and saw the Devil’s Kitchen. You go down some steep stairs. 18. August 6The next morning we got a picture of Elizabeth standing by a bear. We also got a picture of Old Faithful. After buying some souvenirs we went on to West Thumb. Daddy got a picture of the lake and a geyser too. There is a geyser about 20 feet out in the lake and is surrounded by cold water. Then we went on again. Soon we saw three bears on the road, two were cubs. We saw another moose and a bear too. The place we ate was in the Jackson Hole country. There were so many mosquitoes there we couldn't eat lunch. Then we went on until we came to Dubois where we stayed that night. 19. August 7From there we went on to Riverton, Wyoming where we stopped to see some people in the telephone office. We ate lunch there and it was very nice. We left Riverton about three o’clock in the afternoon and camped at Muddy Gap. It is out on the prairie. That’s about all that Wyoming is. It is just a hot, dry prairie. There is a lot of cattle in Wyoming. 20. August 9We left Muddy Gap and went on until we came to Encampment where we ate lunch. This small town is very old. All there is there is old log cabins. Late that afternoon we entered Colorado. We stayed at Willow Creek Pass. We camped at a place called The Old Homestead. It is a good place to hunt and fish. The people in the cabin next to us sure did get a lot of fish. It would take too long to count them. 21. August 10Then we went on and climbed Willow Creek Pass. Daddy shot four woodchucks but only got three because one went back in his hole before we could get him, but he was shot anyway. You can find woodchucks mostly underneath bridges. There were some logs underneath these bridges. We couldn't see one Sage Hen, so we didn't get any. The day before we must have seen a hundred of them but we couldn't shoot any. We got to Granby sometime in the morning. |