Latino: lo que pertenece á la lengua, usos, costumbres y pais de los Latinos, ó del Lacio.
Nome d'um antigo povo d'Italia que habitava o Lacio. Mais tarde latino tournou-se o nome de todos os povos da Italia.
My father was born in San Donato Val di Comino, a medieval village of sun-bleached stone clinging to a mountain in the fierce wild heart of Italy.
San Donato seemed to exist in a magical realm among the clouds, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. But like a fairy tale, the wolves lurked just out of sight - hunger, earthquakes, poverty. La vita è bella e dura. Life is beautiful and hard.
Surname | Haplogroup | SNP |
Jolly | R1b1a1a2 | M269 |
Lockwood | R1b1a1a2 | M269 |
Lombardi | R1b | M343 |
Sention | R1b1a2a1a1 | L151 |
Whitney | R1b1a1a2 | M269 |
Champion, Garlick, Comfort, McCoy, Peckham | H |
Geni. Web.
Genographic Project. National Geographic Society. Web.
Jolly, Des. Family Tree DNA. Gene by Gene. Web.
"Whitney Family DNA Project." Whitney Research Group. Web.
"Y-DNA Results." St. John Genealogy. Web.