Richard Gildersleeve was born in 1601 in Suffolk, England. Richard passed away in 1681 in Hempstead, Long Island, New York.
Andrews, Charles M. "A Biographical Bypath Through Early New England History." New England Magazine Feb. 1893. Web.
There is a brief account in Besse. Sufferings of the People called Quakers. II. pp. 182-3. "Robert Hodgson went to Hampstead and he had a Meeting with some of his Friends who dwelt there; where he met with barbarous Usage. He was brought before one Geldersleeve, a magistrate," etc. This was the first persecution under the Dutch, and took place in 1657.
Besse, Joseph. A Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called Quakers. Vol. II. London, 1753. 182. Web.
Robert Hodgſon went to Hamſtead, and had a Meeting with some of his Friends who dwelt there; where he met with barbarous Uſage: He was brought before one Gelderſleeve, a Magiſtrate there, who ſent him to Priſon, and rode to the Dutch Governour to inform him what he had done; and returning with a Guard of Muſquetiers, they ſearched the Priſoner, and took away his Bible and Papers, and kept him pinion'd all Night, and next Day enquiring who had entertained him, took into Cuſtody two Women, one of whom had a Child ſucking at her Breaſt. They put the Women into a Cart, and faſtened Robert to the Cart's Tail, pinion'd, and ſo drew him through the Woods in the Night, whereby he was grievouſly hurt; thus they brought him back to New-Amſterdam, now New-York, and put him into a naſty Dungeon, wherein were many Vermin, and the Women into another Place of Confinement.
Gildersleeve, Willard Harvey. Gildersleeves of Gildersleeve, Conn. Meriden, 1914. 7-8. Web.
Richard Gildersleeve, born in 1601 in County Suffolk, England, came to America in the Puritan Emigration of 1630-1640. Pausing at Watertown, Mass., he joined the small band of Puritan settlers who set out through the wilderness to settle the new colony of Connecticut. He made a home for himself in 1636, at Wethersfield, on the west side of High street, facing the Common near the river. He was one of the earliest proprietors of Naubuc Farms in Glastonbury when it was first surveyed. Discontented with conditions here, he journeyed down to the new colony just planted at New Haven where he was enrolled among the first proprietors of New Haven Colony in 1639. In 1641, he moved from Wethersfield to Stamford, Conn., where he was deputy to the General Court at New Haven. In 1644, he moved over with the first settlers of Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., where he soon became one of the most influential and largest land proprietors. He was a "schepen," or Dutch magistrate under Governor Stuyveseant, 1644-1664. The first persecution of the Quakers by the Dutch came as a result of Magistrate Gildersleeve's activity.
During the Dutch-Indian War, he lived in Newtown, L. I., as one of the first proprietors and magistrates, 1652-1656. In 1664, when New York was captured by the English, he was appointed colonial commissioner by Connecticut. However, by the Duke of York's patent he became a royal subject once more. In 1669, he was one of that notable gathering of deputies from the English towns of Long Island who framed a petition, which fairly breathed the spirit of liberty manifested in the Declaration of Independence later. Lovelace, the Royal governor, had oppressed the towns severely. Mr. Gildersleeve, as deputy of Hempstead, refused absolutely to pay taxes without representation. It is impossible to say what would have happened, if, in 1673, New York had not been captured by the Dutch.
In 1674, New York was restored to the English. Richard Gildersleeve was deputy to New York to the Dutch Council. He also held very many offices of trust and honor in the town besides figuring in many of the exchanges of vast tracts of land. His main occupation lasting through life was that of surveyor. He was a Puritan of Puritans, fiery, and intolerant, strict and harsh in his official duties, but then the times were harsh enough to try the most heroic soul amidst the early settlements of the United States. He represented the town in all its dealings with the Indians, especially with Tackapousha, Sachem of the Marsapeage Indians. His wife was born in 1601 and witnessed in 1676 the final Indian exchange. He had three children, Richard, Samuel and Anna, the wife of John Smith, Nant., who came from Nantucket.
Richard Platt was baptized on May 6, 1604 in Ware, Hertfordshire, England. Richard married Mary Wood on Jan. 26, 1629 in Roydon, Essex, England. He passed away in 1684 in Milford, Connecticut.
Sarah Platt was born in 1636 in Tring, Hertfordshire, England. Sarah married Thomas Beach on Sep. 25, 1652 in Milford, Connecticut. She married Miles Merwin in Milford. She died on May 15, 1670 in Milford.
John Drake was born in 1585 in Devon, England. John died on Aug. 17, 1659 in Windsor, Connecticut.
Barber, J. W. Connecticut Historical Collections. 1849. 131. Web.
The following singular entry appears in the ancient records of the town of Windsor.
Aug. 17th, 1659.—Mr. John Drake, Senr. dyed accidentally, as he was driving a cart loaded with corn to carry from his house to his son Jacob's. The cattle being two oxen and his mare, in the highway against John Griffin's, something scared the cattle, and they set a running, and he laboring to stop them, by taking hold on the mare, was thrown upon his face, and the cart wheele went over him, and broke one of his legs, and bruised his body so that he was taken up dead; being carried into his daughter's house, had life come again, but dyed in a short time, and was buried on the 18th day of August; 59.
Browning, Charles H. The Magna Charta Barons and Their American Descendants. Philadelphia, 1898. 346. Web. This book is not accepted by the Baronial Order of Magna Charta.
Samuel Drake was born in 1624 in England. Samuel married Ann Barlow on Sep. 13, 1650 in Fairfield, Connecticut. He passed away on May 15, 1686 in New York.
"Abstracts of Wills." Collections of the New-York Historical Society. Vol. XXV. 1893. 134-35. Web.
Thomas Dongan, Lieutenant-General and Governor. To all, etc. Know ye that at a Court of Sessions held in Westchester, June 16, 1686, the last will of Samuel Drake was proved, in which his son Joseph was made executor, and Samuel and John Drake were appointed overseers. The same is confirmed, November 20, 1686.
Samuel Drake, Eastchester. "In the Name of God Amen, I Samuel Drake of Eastchester being sicke and weake." Leaves to wife Ann all household goods, "except one bed with furniture sufficient to keep warm in winter, and some pewter, and a kettle, a warming pan, and a bed pan," which are to be delivered back at her decease, and if she remarry, then security to be given for them. Also £4 which is in the hands of my son John Drake. Part of it is to be paid by my son Samuel Drake of Fairfield, Connecticutt. "And £3 a year so long as she remains my widow, and noe longer." Leaves her some cows "and grasse to winter five head of cattle." The dwelling house is to be put in repair for her use. Leaves to son Samuel Drake, "my best horse that is in Fairfield County, and my branding iron." To son John "my bed pan, to be delivered after my wife's decease." Leaves to daughter Mary, £25 to be paid at Fairfield by my son Samuel, and one cow when she is married, and 2 pewter platters and four Porringers. Leaves to his son in law Joseph Jones 5 shillings. To sons in law Lofels and Slatter 5 shillings. To son in law Richard Headley 5 shillings, and the same to grand children Samuel and Robert Headley, Joseph and Samuel Jones, Mary and Hannah Jones, and Martha and Elizabeth Slatter. "My lot of upland, and my lot of meadow at Cornelis, with one half of my home lot in Eastchester," are to be security for the payment of above legacies. Leaves the remainder to his son Joseph Drake, and makes his wife executor. Dated May 3d, 1686. Witnesses, John Tompkins, Richard Shutt.
"Here follows an Inventory of the goods and estate of Samuel Drake, who deceased on the 15th of May, 1686." "One half of Home lot containing 5 acres and the barn, £20. 6 acres of meadow and 8 acres of upland, £28. 2 oxen and 4 cows, £22. Total amount, £170. Taken May 21, 1686.
Weeden Fowler was born on Dec. 8, 1760 in Cortlandt Manor, New York. Weeden married Elizabeth Sherwood. He died on May 23, 1791 in New Brunswick at age 30. He was buried in New Brunswick.
UEL | Resettlement: New Brunswick | Rank: Lieutenant |
Elizabeth Cordelia Hammill was born on Jul. 10, 1809. She was baptized on Jul. 30, 1809 in Ludgvan, Cornwall, England. Elizabeth married William Troon on Aug. 23, 1829 in Ludgvan. She passed away on Sep. 1, 1897 in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia at age 88.
Cornwall. Online Parish Clerks. Baptisms. 1809. Web.
Date: July 30
Parish: Ludgvan
Name: Elizabeth Hammill
Father: Philip
Mother: Catherine
Note: Born July 10
William Troon was born on May 15, 1831. William was baptized on Jun. 5, 1831 in Ludgvan, Cornwall, England. He married Mary Hill on Jul. 12, 1893 in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. He was buried on Jun. 2, 1906 in Ballarat.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1851 | William Troon | 19 | Mine Carpenter | Camborne, Cornwall, England |
The Ballarat Star 4 June 1906: 2. Trove. National Library of Australia. Web.
The funeral of Mr William Troon took place on Saturday, the remains being interred at the Old Cemetery. Deceased was a prominent member of the Methodist Local Preachers' Association and the Loyal Pioneer Lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F., and the obsequies were attended by representatives of both these organisations. The pall-bearers were Messrs W. Coltman, T. Blight, P. Sampson, M. Caddy, J. Joseph, W. V. Daniel, J. Savage, J. Brook; and the coffin-bearers were Messrs T. Andrews, J. Hewett, C. G. Gazzard, J. Taylor. The Rev. J. Wilson conducted the burial service, and Mr Thomas Wellington was the undertaker.
Cornwall. Online Parish Clerks. Baptisms. 1831. Web.
Date: June 5
Parish: Ludgvan
Name: William Troon
Father: William
Mother: Elizabeth
Father's Profession: Miner
Note: Born May 15
Philip Troon was born in 1837 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. Philip died on Nov. 25, 1859 in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. He was buried in Ballarat.
The Star [Ballarat] 26 Nov. 1859: 2. Trove. National Library of Australia. Web.
A frightful accident happened at Little Bendigo yesterday, by which a man named Troon met with instantaneous death. It appears that he was in the act of entering one of the engine houses there by means of a short cut instead of going round to the proper entrance, the engine being at work, when he passed too close to the fly-wheel with which he became entangled and he was smashed in pieces between the wheel and the frame. Dr Clendinning was shortly in attendance, but the unfortunate man had ceased to exist. The inquest will take place this day.
The Star [Ballarat] 28 Nov. 1859: 3. Trove. National Library of Australia. Web.
The inquest on the remains of Philip Troon, whose death was reported in our issue of Saturday, was held by the district Coroner at the Prince of Wales Hotel on the same day. The evidence of two miners named Morrow and Bell, was to the effect that the deceased was engine driver in the Stock Yard Mining Company, at Little Bendigo. The engine works two puddling machines and winding gear, for the latter of which there is a small door made, in close proximity to which is the fly-wheel. This opening was constantly and most improperly used by the whole party generally as a short way of entrance into the engine house; and on Friday the deceased on going in put one foot on the threshold and the other on the frame-work on which the fly-wheel works; his foot slipped off the threshold and he fell forward on to the wheel. Before the steam could be turned off the engine had stopped by reason of the body of deceased being jammed between the wheel and the frame. He was quite dead when got out, and bleeding on the head and mouth. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death, and further, that great negligence and rashness were attributable to the company for not guarding against such an occurrence.
Henry Troon was born in 1846 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. Henry married Mary Ann Wasley. He passed away on Apr. 23, 1929 at home in Wendouree, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.
The Argus [Melbourne] 24 Apr. 1929: 1. Trove. National Library of Australia. Web.
On the 23rd April, at his residence, corner Howitt and Forrest streets, Wendouree, Ballarat, Henry Troon, dearly beloved husband of Mary Ann, and loved father of Mille (Mrs. F. Vare), Phil, Will, George, Henry (deceased, late A.I.F.), Mary, Emmie, Ron., and Harold, in his 84th year.
Jane Troon was born in 1851 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. Jane married Richard Greenwood on Jan. 20, 1875 in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. She passed away on Feb. 9, 1931 in Surrey Hills, Victoria. She was buried on Feb. 10, 1931 in Ballarat.
The Age [Melbourne] 10 Feb. 1931: 1. Trove. National Library of Australia. Web.
On the 9th February, at Surrey Hills, Jane wife of the late Richard Greenwood, and loving mother of Hudson, Harry, Edwin and Jennie. … The Friends of the late Mrs. Jane Greenwood, late of 3A Anderson-street, Surrey Hills, are informed that her remains will be interred privately in the Ballarat New Cemetery. The Funeral will leave the mortuary chapel of Le Pine and Son, Canterbury, this day (Tuesday), 10th February, at 9 o'clock.
James Troon was baptized on Nov. 16, 1839 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. James passed away on Mar. 24, 1910. He was buried on Mar 25, 1910.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1851 | James Troon | 11 | Copper Mine Boy | Camborne, Cornwall, England |
Cornwall. Online Parish Clerks. Baptisms. 1839. Web.
Date: November 16
Parish: Camborne
Name: James Troon
Father: William
Mother: Elizabeth
Father's Profession: Carpenter
The Daily Telegraph [Launceston] 26 Mar. 1910: 1. Trove. National Library of Australia. Web.
On the 24th March, at the General Hospital, James Troon, aged 70 years. (Interred yesterday).
Louis Guion married Thomasse Le Fourestier in 1685 in Cozes, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
Thomasse Le Fourestier married Louis Guion in 1685 in Cozes, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
Lavinia Jolly was born on Oct. 29, 1835 in Cornwall, England. Lavinia was baptized on Nov. 25, 1837 in Camborne, Cornwall. She married James Gribble on Jan. 25, 1862 in Redruth, Cornwall. She passed away on Mar. 12, 1923 in Colorado. Her death at age 87 was due to nephritis. She was buried in an unmarked grave in Boulder, Colorado.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1841 | Lavinia Jolly | 04 | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB | |
1851 | Lavina Jolly | 13 | Mine Laborer | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
1861 | L Jolly | 24 | C Mine Girl | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
Cornwall. Online Parish Clerks. Baptisms. 1837. Web.
Date: November 25
Parish: Camborne
Name: Lavinia Jolly
Father: Thomas, Miner
Mother: Mary
Residence: Rosewarne Downs
Catherine Jolly was born on Nov. 29, 1843 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. Catherine married John Henry Vivian on Jan. 28, 1864 in Camborne. She passed away on Nov. 7, 1901 in Colorado at age 57. She was buried in Silver Plume, Colorado.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1851 | Catharine Jolly | 08 | Scholar | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
1861 | C Jolly | 18 | C Mine Girl | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
1900 | Catharine Vivian | 56 | Colorado | GB | GB |
John Henry Vivian was born on Sep. 5, 1841 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. John Henry Vivian married Catherine Jolly on Jan. 28, 1864 in Camborne. He passed away on Sep. 29, 1898 in Silver Plume, Colorado at age 57. He was buried in Silver Plume.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1861 | John H Vivian | 20 | Miner | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
Daniel Denton was born in Yorkshire, England. Daniel married Abigail Stevenson and divorced in 1672. He married Hannah Leonard on Apr. 24, 1676 in Springfield, Massachusetts. He passed away in 1703 in New York.
Royster, Paul. Daniel Denton. Lincoln: U of Nebraska, 1984. 1-5. Web.
Daniel Denton, son of the first Presbyterian minister in America, wrote a promotional tract in 1670 to encourage English settlement of territories lately seized from the Dutch. Denton’s A Brief Description of New‐York gives an account of the geographical features and general economy of the country surrounding New York, relates some customs of the native inhabitants, and offers incentives and advice to prospective settlers.
Denton was born around 1626 in Yorkshire, England, son of Helen Windlblank and the Reverend Richard Denton. In the 1640s he accompanied his father to Massachusetts, Connecticut, and eventually Long Island. In 1650 he was made town clerk of Hempstead, where his father was pastor, and in 1656 he held the same position in the town of Jamaica. When his father removed to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Denton remained on Long Island, and in 1664 he became one of the grantees of a patent at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. In 1665 and 1666 he served as justice of the peace in New York. Around 1659, Denton married Abigail Stevenson, who bore three children, and from whom he was divorced in 1672. The two elder children, Daniel and Abigail, remained with their father, while the infant daughter, Mercy, accompanied her mother, who subsequently remarried. Denton left New York for England in 1670 (which may have occasioned his divorce), and there he evidently participated in settlement enterprises and possibly in the newly acquired (by the English) fur trade.
A Brief Description of New‐York: Formerly Called New‐Netherlands is a twenty‐five‐page pamphlet describing the topography, climate, soil, fauna and flora, settlements, crops, products, trades and occupations of the area between the Hudson and Delaware rivers, including Manhattan Island, Staten Island, and Long Island. Denton also included in his pamphlet some anecdotal relations of Indian customs and society. Quite understandably, he did not describe the Indians as a threatening presence, noting that “it hath been generally observed, that where the English come to settle, a Divine Hand makes way for them: by removing or cutting off the Indians, either by Wars one with the other, or by some raging mortal Disease.” Likewise, Denton gave little attention to the Dutch inhabitants of New York, other than to remark how much more effective British force would be in controlling the Indians.
The recurrent theme of Denton’s tract is the New World’s availability of land, and it lays its greatest stress on the material advantages and opportunities of colonial life: “here any one may furnish himself with land, and live rent‐free, yea, with such a quantity of land, that he may weary himself with walking over his fields of Corn, and all sorts of Grain.” The pamphlet’s strongest appeal is to “those which Fortune hath frowned upon in England, to deny them an inheritance amongst their Brethren, . . . [who] may procure here inheritances of land and possessions, stock themselves with all sorts of Cattel, enjoy the benefit of them whilst they live, and leave them to the benefit of their children when they die.” Denton identified America (specifically New York) with this particular trajectory of success, and his tract represents an early prototype of the myth of American soil as the “land of opportunity”: “How many poor people in the world would think themselves happy, had they an Acre or two of Land, whilst here is hundreds, nay thousands of Acres, that would invite inhabitants.”
Denton’s pamphlet reflects other characteristic colonial attitudes as well—most notably a sense of the self‐reliant egalitarian flavor of American society, “where a Waggon or Cart gives as good content as a Coach, and a piece of their home‐made Cloth, better than the finest Lawns or richest Silks,” and a typically Puritan reference to America as the new Promised Land: “I must needs say, that if there be any terrestrial Canaan, ‘tis surely here, where the Land floweth with milk and honey.” Denton was anxious in this last passage to be understood in a literal as well as typological sense, and indeed the secular note dominates throughout the tract. Denton’s early vision of the westward expansion of English culture and his mode of representing the American wilderness as an agrarian frontier were well on their way to becoming conventional tropes in a formalized rhetoric of the New World. Denton’s book exemplifies the migration of ideas from New England southward and westward across the continent, and also the capacity of those ideas to adapt and develop in response to local circumstances.
After A Brief Description of New‐York, Denton published nothing more. He returned to America in 1673, settling in Piscataway in East Jersey, where he was appointed magistrate. The next year, however, he removed to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he taught school and served as the town recorder. In 1676 he married Hannah Leonard by whom he had six children—Hannah, Samuel, Sarah, Elizabeth, Thomas, and Alice. He returned to Jamaica, New York, in 1684, became county clerk of Queens County in 1689, and died intestate in 1703.
Matthias Sention was born in England. Matthias married Mary Tinker on Nov. 1, 1627 in England. He passed away on Oct. 19, 1669 in Norwalk, Connecticut. He was buried in Norwalk.
Matthias Sention was born in 1628 in England. Matthias married Elizabeth Seeley on Jun. 8, 1655 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. He passed away in 1728 in Norwalk, Connecticut. He was buried in Norwalk.
Susannah Norman was born in England. Susannah married Robert Lockwood in 1632 in Watertown, Massachusetts. She married Jeffrey Ferris in Greenwich, Connecticut. She passed away on Dec. 23, 1660 in Greenwich.
"Deposition of Susan Lockwood." Colonial and Revolutionary History of the Lockwood Family in America. Comp. Frederic A. Holden and E. Dunbar Lockwood. Philadelphia, 1889. 6. Web.
Susan Lockwood, wife of Robert Lockwood, May 13th, 1654, gave evidense in a witch case, at a court held at New Haven, Connecticut, and stated that she was present when goodwife Knapp was hanged for a witch. Elizabeth Brewster, goodwife Staples and goodwife Odill were also present, and examined the body of goodwife Knapp after she was executed, and stated that goodwife Lockwood was with them on that occasion.
Levermore, Charles H. "Witchcraft in Connecticut." New England Magazine July 1892. Web.
After Goody Knapp was executed, the Fairfield women crowded around her body to look at the fatal witch-marks. Mrs. Staples was in the throng. "Taking ye Lords name in her mouth," she said to Mrs. Lockwood, "These are no witches teates. I have such myself, and so have you, if you search yourself." Goodwife Lockwood replied: "If any finde any such Things aboute me, I deserve to be hanged as she was."
John Platt was born on Jan. 11, 1632 in Ware, Hertfordshire, England. John married Hannah Clark. He passed away on Nov. 6, 1705 in Norwalk, Connecticut at age 73.
Legislature | Office |
Connecticut | Deputy from Norwalk |
Unit: Norwalk Trainband | Rank: Sergeant |
Bertha Stoddard was born on Mar. 3, 1850 in Nagaon, Assam, India. Bertha married Henry Whitney in 1875 in Pella, Iowa. She passed away in 1922 in Plainfield, New Jersey. She was buried in Pella.
Barnabas Wines was baptized on May 15, 1628 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. Barnabas passed away in 1715 in Southold, Long Island, New York.
Stryker-Rodda, Kenn. Founders of New Jersey. Second ed. Descendants of Founders of New Jersey, 2011. 97. Web.
Barnabas Wines, son of Barnabas and Anne (Eddy) Wines, was baptized 15 May 1628, St. Clemens Church, Ipswich, County Suffolk, England and died in the fall of 1715 in Southold, Long Island, his will proved 29 September of that year.
Barnabas Wines was baptized on Feb. 14, 1602 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. Barnabas married Anne Eddy. He passed away in Southold, Long Island, New York.
Jean Many was born in 1670 in Meschers-sur-Gironde, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Jean married Jeanne Machet. He died in 1703 in New York.
Baird, Charles W. History of the Huguenot Emigration to America. Vol. II. New York, 1885. 38. Web.
Jean, brother of Jacques, known as Captain Many, married Jeanne, eldest daughter of Jean Machet.
"Brouwer Genealogy." RootsWeb. Ancestry. Web.
John Many is recorded on the tax list in New York City from 1696 through 1699. He lived in the East Ward in one of two houses owned by Carsten (Christopher) Luerson. Capt. William Kidd was living in the next house during some of those years (this has resulted in some descendants speculating that Jean and his brothers, may too, have been involved in piracy). In the 1703 census he is living in the South Ward.
Jordan, John W. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography. Vol. III. New York, 1914. 938. Web.
Two brothers, Jacques and Jean Maney, lived at Meschers, a village on the Gironee, France, the latter being a sea captain and known as Captain Maney. They were Huguenots and fled to England, probably at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in 1685. From England they came to America, joining the Narragansett colony in Rhode Island in 1686. Jacques married Anne, daughter of Francois Vincent, both of them being members of the Huguenot church in New York in 1692. Jean married, prior to 1696, Jeanne, daughter of Jean Machet, and was a member of the same church.
Waters, Edward Stanley. "Notes on Some Huguenot Families." Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of America. Vol. III. New York, 1903. 268-69. Web.
Jean was apparently the elder brother of Jacques, with whom he was denizened, London, Apl. 15, 1693.
He is called "cappitaine," and like his brother, commanded a ship in the West India trade. May 19, 1701, the "Brigantine Lawrell, John Many, Master, from Jamaica" arrived. About 1700 is found an account of sums paid for John Machet, Jr., since the decease of John, his father, by John Manny in the sickness and at the death of the said J. M. Jr. decd., in Jamaica, £13. He md. Jeanne, dau. of Jean & Jeanne (Thomas) Machet of New Rochelle, to whom admn. on his estate, "late of N. Y., lately decd." was granted May 22, 1703. His inventory contained one bible, two silver spoons, six silver forks, one negro woman and her —. In money £200. Presd. by James Many & Elias Boudinot, Feb. 2, 1703/4. She was living in 1706.
By wife Jeanne he had issue:
I. ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 6, a deux heures apres minuit, 1696, bap. 13, pres. par Pierre Machet et Elizh. Fulheux.
II. JEAN, b. Aug. 31, bap. Sept. 28, 1698; pres par Mr. Jean Pinaud et Made. Marianne Machet.
III. JACQUES, b. Oct. 5, bap. 12, 1700 par Mr. Peiret, pres. par Jacques Many et Anne Vincens.
These brothers were perhaps the James Many and John Many, who signed the Act of Opposition to the dismissal of the Rev. Mr. Rou, Sept. 24, 1724.
Jeanne Machet was born in La Tremblade, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Jeanne married Jean Many in 1696. She married Elie Pelletreau in 1710. She died in New York.
Jean Machet was born in La Tremblade, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Jean married Jeanne Thomas in 1662 in France. He passed away in 1699 in New York.
Jeanne Thomas was born in France. Jeanne married Jean Machet in 1662 in France. She passed away in 1708 in New Rochelle, New York.
John Woodruff was baptized in 1637 in Kent, England. John passed away in 1691 in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey. Ed. Francis Bazley Lee. Vol. I. New York, 1910. 346. Web.
John, eldest son of John and Ann Woodruff, was baptized in the parish of Sturry, county Kent, England, in 1637, died at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, in April or May, 1691. He accompanied his parents and grandparents to Southampton, and April 30, 1657, included in the list of arms-bearing men. May 1, 1663, he was elected constable, and between August 29 and September 7, 1665, he sold his Southampton lands, preparatory to removing to Elizabethtown, in which latter place he soon became one of the leading citizens, holding the offices of ensign, high sheriff, magistrate and one of the most prominent opponents of the lords proprietors. His only brother was, like himself, named John, a fact proven by their father's will, but as the latter remained in Southampton, where he inherited the bulk of his father's estate, the two lines have had distinct histories.
An Index of Ancestors and Roll of Members of the Society of Colonial Wars. New York, 1922. 550. Web.
Woodruff (Wordrof), Ensign John, 1637-1691. Ensign of Militia at Elizabethtown, N. J., Sept. 14, 1673. Appointed High Sheriff, Essex Co., N. J., 1684.
John Woodruff was born in 1604 in Kent, England. John passed away in 1670 in Southampton, Long Island, New York.
Richard Gildersleeve married Dorcas Williams in 1654 in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Richard passed away in 1691 in Hempstead.
Gildersleeve, Willard Harvey. Gildersleeves of Gildersleeve, Conn. Meriden, 1914. 8. Web.
In the Dutch-Indian War, he moved to Newtown, L. I., where he was one of the earliest proprietors. In 1656, he moved back again to Hempstead, L. I., where he became a large landed proprietor and a prominent citizen. He served as town clerk for many years. Besides other offices, he was town surveyor for many important cases. He was town drummer, calling the settlers to worship and for town meetings. In 1680, he bought the old meeting house which had a fort around it for safety against the Indians. His wife, Dorcas, witnessed many deeds, and lived on the homestead in Hempstead village until her death in 1704. Mr. Gildersleeve died in 1691, making a will, which is preserved in Jamaica, L. I. He had four children, Richard, Jr., Thomas, Elizabeth and Dorcas, the wife of Thomas Lester of Hempstead.
The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. 1987. Rpt. in Long Island Source Records. By Henry B. Hoff. Baltimore, 2001. 130-31. Web.
Gildersleeve, Richard, of Hempstead, 7 Apr., 1690. To wife, Dorkiss, the dwelling, some land, riding horse, etc.; to sons Richard & Thomas, meadow at Merrick west neck; to dau. Dorkiss Lester eight acres at Newfield; to dau. Elizabeth Gildersleeve eight acres; to Phebe Thickstone a cow. Son Richard exr. Wits: John Sering & Joseph Pettit. Pro. 21 May, 1691.
Richard Betts was born in 1613 in Hertfordshire, England. Richard passed away on Nov. 18, 1713 in Long Island, New York. He was buried on Nov. 20, 1713.
"Abstracts of Wills." Collections of the New-York Historical Society. Vol. XXVI. 1894. 113-14. Web.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Richard Betts, of Newtown, in Queens County, on Nassau Island, yeoman, being in good health. I leave to my wife Johanah, all my homestead and buildings and lot of land belonging to the same, lying between the lands of John Scudder and Richard Betts, son of Thomas Betts, deceased; Also my tract of land between the way that leads to the narrow passage and the land of Samuel Albertus, and the meadow adjoining to the same; Also all my movable estate, and liberty to get what hay she may have occasion for during her life. After the decease of my wife I leave to my son, Richard Betts, my Camlet cloak, for his birthright, and all my right and interest in lands in Plunder neck; Also my house and home lot and buildings; Also ½ of the lands and meadows that lyeth below the road, that leads from the English Kill to the Dutch Kills, bounded by Samuel Albertus and John Allen, with all the appurtenances; Also ½ the meadow land above the homestead, situate between the lands of John Scudder and Richard Betts, sons of Thomas Betts, deceased. I leave to my grand son, Richard Betts, son of Thomas Betts, my tract of land lying between the way that leads to the narrow passage and the land of Samuel Albertus, up to Newtown spring; Also ½ the meadow and upland, that lyeth between the road that leads from the English Kills to the Dutch Kills, bounded by Samuel Albertus and John Allen. All movable estate after my wife's death to my daughters, Johanah Sander, Mary Swazy, and Martha Ketcham, and the children of my daughter, Elizabeth Sackett, deceased, and the children of my daughter, Sarah Hunt, deceased. I appoint my sons in law, Joseph Sackett and Phillip Ketcham, executors.
Witnesses, John Donan, Hannah Field, John Gould. Proved, November 26, 1713.
The Family Record [Newburgh] Feb. 1897. Web. Poyer was rector of Episcopal churches.
CAPT. RICHARD BETTS, the father of Elizabeth, the first wife of Capt. Joseph Sackett, was born Hertfordshire, England, in the year 1613. He came to New England about the year 1635, and in 1636 settled at Newtown, Mass., from which place, prior to 1642, he removed to Ipswich, where he remained until about 1654, when he became a permanent resident of Newtown, Long Island. There he soon acquired prominence and influence, and for upwards of half a century participated largely in public affairs. In the revolution of 1663 he bore a zealous part, and after the conquest of New Netherlands by the English he was a member from Newtown of the Provisional Assembly, held at Hempstead in 1665. He was "High Sheriff of Yorkshire, upon Long Island" from 1678 to 1681. For a long series of years he was a magistrate, and several times a member of the "High Court of Assize," then the supreme power in the province. His name is honorably mentioned in upwards of thirty distinct paragraphs on the pages of "Riker's Annals of Newtown," the last of which reads as follows: "The last survivor of the original purchasers, Capt. Richard Betts, died on Nov. 18, of this year" (1713), "at the patriarchal age of a hundred years. None in the township has been so eminent as he for commanding influence and valuable public service. His remains were interred on his own estate at the English Kills, on the 20th, with a funeral service by Mr. Poyer, rector of Jamaica Parish."
O'Gorman, William. Long Island Star. Rpt. in A History of Long Island. By Peter Ross. Vol. I. 1902. 709. Web.
He became a bitter opponent to Director Pieter Stuyvesant and the little town of Bushwick, which he had founded. Under leave from the Governor, the English settlers had planted their town, but were refused the usual patent, and in 1656 Richard Betts administered a severe blow to Stuyvesant by purchasing the land for himself and fifty-five associates, from the red men, at the rate of one shilling per acre. The total cost amounted to £68 16s. 4d. which, with the sum of £76 9s. paid to the sachems Pomwaukon and Rowerowestco, extinguished the Indian title to Newtown.
Henry Mellor was baptized on Jun. 25, 1843 in Taxal, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, England. Henry Garlick married his cousin Elizabeth Jane Mellor on Oct. 25, 1875. Henry passed away on Nov. 20, 1895 in Central City, Colorado. He was buried in the Knights of Pythias Cemetery in Central City.
Henry Garlick was part of the Black Hills Gold Rush, so he was probably an illegal migrant in the Great Sioux Reservation.
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | |
1850 | Henry Mellor | 06 | Charles Chaloner | |||
1860 | Henry Garlick | 17 | Clifton, Grant, Wisconsin | GB | GB | |
1880 | Henry Garlick | 35 | City Treasurer | Central City, Gilpin, Colorado | GB | GB |
Cheshire. Baptisms. 1843. Web.
Date: June 25
Parish: Taxal
Name: Henry Mellor
Mother: Ann
Address: Peak Forest
Occupation: Spinster
Note: Illegitimate
The Weekly Register-Call 22 Nov. 1895. Web.
Died. In Central City, Colo., Nov. 20, 1895, Henry Garlick, aged 52 years, of miner’s disease. Deceased came to Colorado in the early sixties from Wisconsin. He remained here until the gold excitement in South Dakota, and in 1876 left here for Deadwood. After engaging in mining at that place, he returned to Central and made it his place of residence ever since. He served the people of this city in various positions, among them that of treasurer. He was a native of England, his parents locating in Wisconsin, from which state he emigrated to Colorado. He leaves a wife and five children and other relatives in Central and Black Hawk. The funeral occurred this afternoon from his late residence at 1:30 o’clock. Interment was made in the city cemetery.
The Weekly Register-Call 24 Feb. 1893. 21 Feb. 2013. Web.
Harry Garlick & Company are working in a 90 foot shaft at the Americus Mine, west of the Fraser shaft on that vein. This week they have been having a run made at the Polar Star stamp mill in Black Hawk.
Francis Mellor was born in 1829. Francis was baptized on Jan. 16, 1831 in Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, England. He died on Dec. 30, 1861 in Linden, Wisconsin. His death was due to major trauma. He was buried in the Linden Cemetery.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1841 | Francis Mellor | 10 | Peak Forest, Derbyshire, England | GB | GB | |
1860 | Francis Miller | 27 | Miner | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin |
Elizabeth was born in England. She married Francis Mellor. She died in 1868. She was buried in the Linden Cemetery in Linden, Wisconsin.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1860 | Elizabeth Miller | 27 | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin |
Elizabeth Larry married Francis Millard on Feb. 8, 1852 in Wisconsin.
Joseph Garlick was baptized on Nov. 23, 1828 in Peak Forest, Derbyshire, England. Joseph married Anne Mellor on May 27, 1849 at Manchester Cathedral in England. They left Liverpool, Merseyside, England aboard the Charles Chaloner. They arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana on Oct. 31, 1850. He died on Apr. 26, 1887 in Central City, Colorado. His death was due to explosion. He was buried in Central City.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | |
1841 | Joseph Garlick | 12 | Prestbury, Cheshire, England | |||
1850 | Joseph Garlick | 23 | Charles Chaloner | |||
1860 | Joseph Garlick | 30 | Clifton, Grant, Wisconsin | |||
1870 | Joseph Garlick | 44 | Clifton, Grant, Wisconsin | |||
1880 | Joseph Garlick | 50 | Miner | Central City, Gilpin, Colorado | GB | GB |
Thomas Mellor was born in 1793. Thomas was baptized on Apr. 27, 1794 Derbyshire, England. He married Anne Clayton on Feb. 22, 1814 in Peak Forest, Derbyshire. They left Liverpool aboard the Charles Chaloner. They arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana on Oct. 31, 1850. He passed away on Feb. 4, 1883 in Linden, Wisconsin. He was buried in the Peddler's Creek Cemetery in Wisconsin.
Derbyshire. Baptisms. 1794. Web.Date: April 27 Name: Thomas Mellor Father: Saml |
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | |
1841 | Thomas Mellor | 45 | Peak Forest, Derbyshire, England | |||
1850 | Thomas Mellor | 55 | Charles Chaloner | |||
1860 | Thomas Miller | 66 | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin | |||
1870 | Thomas Meller | 76 | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin | |||
1880 | Thomas Mellor | 87 | Farmer | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin | GB | GB |
Anne was born in 1794 in Peak Forest, Derbyshire, England. She married Thomas Mellor on Feb. 22, 1814 in Peak Forest. They left Liverpool aboard the Charles Chaloner. They arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana on Oct. 31, 1850. She passed away on Dec. 29, 1881 in Linden, Wisconsin. She was buried in the Peddler's Creek Cemetery in Wisconsin.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | |
1841 | Ann Mellor | 45 | Peak Forest, Derbyshire, England | |||
1850 | Anne Mellor | 55 | Charles Chaloner | |||
1860 | Ann Miller | 65 | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin | |||
1870 | Ann Meller | 74 | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin | |||
1880 | Ann Mellor | 86 | Keeping House | Linden, Iowa, Wisconsin | GB | GB |
Maria Wild was born on Feb. 19, 1831 in Cheshire, England. Maria married Thomas Mellor. She passed away on Nov. 22, 1895 in Wisconsin at age 64. She was buried in the Linden Cemetery in Linden, Wisconsin.
Mineral Point Tribune 5 Dec. 1895. Microform.
Mrs. Thomas Mellor and Mr. James Buckett, two old citizens of Linden, each having passed the allotted age of mankind, have passed away, the former on Nov. 22d and the latter on the 23d.
William Jolly was born on Apr. 11, 1848 in Redruth, Cornwall, England. William married Annie Carpenter in 1871 in Redruth. He passed away on Aug. 19, 1906, at home in Arvada, Colorado. His death at age 58 was due to nephritis. He was buried in the Arvada Cemetery.
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1851 | William Jolly | 02 | Scholar | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
1861 | W Jolly | 13 | Carpenter | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
1871 | William Jolly | 27 | Carpenter | Camborne, Cornwall, England | ||
1885 | William Jolly | 36 | Colorado | |||
1900 | William Jolly | 52 | Arvada, Jefferson, Colorado | GB | GB |
Arvada Sun. Rpt. in Colorado Transcript [Golden] 30 Aug. 1906: 8. Colorado Historic Newspapers. Web.
Wm. Jolly died at his residence here last Sunday morning, Aug, 19, at 5:10 from bright's disease. He was ill only a short time. He was 58 years of age and leaves a wife and five children. He was a member of the Salvation Army for fourteen years, and was buried by that sect. He was a charter member of the W. O. W., a stockholder in the Arvada Light company, and a large property holder.
Cornwall. Births. 1848. Web.
Name: William Jolly
District: Redruth
United States. Department of Justice. Naturalization. Vol. A. Golden, 1900. FamilySearch. Web.
Name: William Jolly
Address: Golden
Country: England
Date: Oct. 20
Witnesses: Simon Graves, William E. Cole
Annie Carpenter was born on Dec. 21, 1849 in Cornwall, England. Annie married William Jolly in 1871 in Redruth, Cornwall. She passed away on Dec. 15, 1929, at home in Arvada, Colorado. Her death at age 79 was due to cancer. She was buried on Dec. 17, 1929 in the Arvada Cemetery.
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1851 | Ann Carpenter | 01 | Illogan, Cornwall, England | |||
1861 | Ann Carpenter | 11 | Mine Girl | Illogan, Cornwall, England | ||
1871 | Annie Jolly | 21 | Camborne, Cornwall, England | |||
1885 | Annie Jolly | 33 | House Wife | Colorado | GB | GB |
1900 | Annie Jolly | 50 | Arvada, Jefferson, Colorado | GB | GB | |
1910 | Annie Jolly | 60 | Arvada, Jefferson, Colorado | GB | GB | |
1920 | Annie Jolly | 70 | Arvada, Jefferson, Colorado | GB | GB |
"Mrs. A. Jolly Dies Sunday." Arvada Enterprise 19 Dec. 1929. Web.
Mrs. Annie Jolly, for the past forty-four years a resident of Arvada, died at her home at 408 East Grand View avenue Sunday morning after a lingering illness. Death was due to cancer, and the infirmities of age. She was born at Camborne, England, December 21 1850, being 79 years of age. She was married in that town to William Jolly and the two came to America fifty-four years ago settling at Silver Plume, which was then a thriving mining camp. Ten years later they moved to Arvada to make their home, and Mr. Jolly died here some twenty-three years ago. She is survived by five children, one son and four daughters. They are John Jolly, of Arvada, Mrs. W. O. Basford of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Lyman Mills of Denver Mrs. E. S. Evans of Fort Collins and Mrs. R. J. Champion of Arvada. There are also eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. the grandchildren and two nephews served as pallbearers at her funeral services which were held from the Olinger drawing room Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Ira L. Morgan officiating. Burial was made in the Arvada cemetery.
Thomas Jolly was born on May 17, 1841 in Cornwall, England. Thomas married Isabella Nancarrow on Aug. 30, 1862 in Camborne, Cornwall.
There is an obituary for a Thomas Jolly who died on Dec. 11, 1876 in Silver City, Nevada. One possibility is that the obituary was supposed to be for Mrs. Thomas Jolly, because it is believed that Thomas passed away on Sep. 24, 1912 in Salem, Oregon.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1841 | Thomas Jolly | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB | ||
1851 | Thomas Jolly | 10 | Copper Miner | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
1861 | T Jolly | 20 | C Miner | Camborne, Cornwall, England | GB | GB |
Territorial Enterprise [Virginia City] 13 Dec. 1876. Web.
Thomas Jolly died in Silver City at 7 o'clock Monday evening of pneumonia. The deceased leaves a family of six children, the youngest but six weeks old.
A subscription for the benefit of the family of Thomas Jolly was yesterday circulated among the good people of Silver by John Bennetts and J. Wells, and $170 50 realized.
John Champion was born on Dec. 9, 1854. John was baptized on Apr. 15, 1855 in Cornwall, England. He married Honor Tremelling in 1875 in Redruth, Cornwall. He passed away on May 21, 1904, at home in Central City, Colorado. His death at age 49 was due to nephritis. He was buried in the Rocky Mountain IOOF Cemetery in Central City.
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1861 | John Champion | 06 | Scholar | Camborne, Cornwall, England | ||
1871 | John Champion | 16 | Copper Miner | Camborne, Cornwall, England | ||
1880 | John Champion | 25 | Miner | Brownville, Clear Creek, Colorado | GB | GB |
1885 | John Champion | 30 | Colorado | GB | GB | |
1900 | John Champion | 44 | Central City, Gilpin, Colorado | GB | GB |
Colorado. Deaths. 1904. Foothills Genealogical Society. Web.
Name: John Champion
Age: 49 y 5 m 12 d
Cause of Death: Nephritis
Interment: I.O.O.F. Rocky Mountain Lodge #2 Cemetery
Cornwall. Online Parish Clerks. Baptisms. 1855. Web.
Date: April 15
Parish: Tuckingmill
Name: John Champion
Father: Richard
Mother: Elizabeth
Father's Profession: Miner
Guard, W. J., ed. The Silver Standard [Silver Plume] 28 May 1904: 4. Colorado Historic Newspapers. Web.
John Champion, for many years a resident of this city, died at his home in Central City, Colo., on Saturday, May 21st, 1904. He was nearly 50 years of age at the time of his death and leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. The funeral took place on Tuesday under the auspices of the I. O. O. F., F. of A. and the Encampment secret organizations. Mr. Champion was a member of three secret societies of this place, and had many friends here. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in this their hour of affliction.
United States. Department of Justice. Naturalization. Vol. A. Georgetown, 1892. FamilySearch. Web.
Name: John Champion
Address: Clear Creek Co.
Country: Great Britain
Date: Nov. 5
Witnesses: Thomas Rowe, Frank Francis
Wendell, H. F. In Loving Remembrance. Leipsic, 1904. Print.
John Champion, Died May 21, 1904, Age 49 years.
Gone but not forgotten
A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. God in His wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given, And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in Heaven.
Honor Tremelling was born on May 24, 1853 in Redruth, Cornwall, England. Honor married John Champion in 1875 in Redruth. She passed away on May 6, 1928, at home in Oakland, California at age 74. She was buried in the Sunset View Cemetery in El Cerrito, California.
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence | F | M | |
1861 | Honor Tremilling | 07 | Illogan, Cornwall, England | GB | GB | |
1871 | Honor Tremelling | 17 | Mine Labour at Surface | Camborne, Cornwall, England | ||
1880 | Anna Champion | 26 | Keeping House | Brownville, Clear Creek, Colorado | GB | GB |
1885 | Annie Champion | 31 | Colorado | GB | GB | |
1900 | Annie Champion | 46 | Central City, Gilpin, Colorado | GB | GB | |
1910 | Anna Champion | 55 | Denver, City and County, Colorado | GB | GB | |
1920 | Honor Champion | 60 | Housekeeper | Oakland, Alameda, California | GB | GB |
Cornwall. Births. 1853. Web.
Name: Honor Tremelling
District: Redruth
"Mrs. Honor Champion Dies at Oakland Home." Berkeley Daily Gazette 7 May 1928: 12. Web.
Mrs. Honor Champion, widow of the late John Champion, passed away at her home at 972 Fortieth Street, Oakland, yesterday. She had been ill for some time. Mrs. Champion was born in Camborne, England, 74 years ago, but had lived in the Bay District for many years. Her late husband was a prominent Colorado mining man. Surviving are a son, Richard Champion of Arvada, Colorado; and two daughters, Mrs. F. C. Raub of Los Angeles, and Mrs. W. L. Davis of Oakland. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Berg's Funeral Parlors, 1936 University Avenue. Interment is to take place at the Sunset Memorial Cemetery.
Honor Polkinghorne was baptized on Dec. 28, 1806 in Phillack, Cornwall, England. Honor married Thomas Tremelling on May 24, 1828 in Phillack. She married James Speckman on Jul. 27, 1852 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. She passed away on Mar. 21, 1884 in Meredith, Victoria, Australia. She was buried in the Meredith Cemetery.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | |
1841 | Honor Tremellen | 30 | Camborne, Cornwall, England | |||
1848 | Honor Tremelling | Tory |
Cornwall. Online Parish Clerks. Baptisms. 1806. Web.
Date: December 28
Parish: Phillack
Name: Honor Polkinghorne
Father: Richard
Mother: Grace
Letter. 13 Mar. 1847. Female Convicts Research Centre. Web. This may have been written by Herman Merivale, who was the Recorder of Penzance from 1841 to 1848.
In the matter of Honor Tremelling convicted of larceny and sentenced by me to transportation for seven years at the Quarter Sessions for Penzance last December.
The prisoner pleaded guilty and the only note I have is an abstract of the result of the depositions:
"Five years servant of Mr York. Stole money out of his desk, in his shop, by means of his key, which she took out of the pocket of his coat at his home"
No such statement as that mentioned in her Petition was made by the prisoner or on her behalf at the trial.
It appeared by the deposition that pilfering had been going on for a long time previously at Mr York's.
"The Petition of Honor Tremelling in Millbank Prison." Female Convicts Research Centre. Web. Honor was transferred to Millbank on Jan. 22, 1847.
That your petitioner was a cook and housekeeper to Mr York, Draper, of Penzance and had been in his service nearly six years and was always considered to be trust worthy. Being in want of change one morning to purchase provisions for the family before her Master returned from his dwelling house, and having none of her own, she took six shillings from the till, the shopman being present when she did so. She did not think that her Master on being told by the shopman what she had done would suspect her of dishonesty.
Your Petitioner begs to state that she is a widow and had three children who are now with her aged mother and who are not yet old enough to earn their own bread and that this is her first conviction.
Your Petitioner humbly solicits your kind consideration of the circumstances of her case and that you would be pleased to recommend a mitigation of her sentence and she will ever pray.
Tasmania. LINC. Convicts. Web.
Tremelling Honor
Tried: Cornwall 30 December 1846
Sentence: 7 Years
Offence: Stealing Money
Arrived: 6 August 1848
Trade: Plain Cook
Height: 5/2
Complexion: Sallow
Head: Round
Hair: Brown
Visage: Oval
Forehead: Medium
Eyebrows: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Nose: Long
Mouth: Small
Chin: Small
Native Place: Cornwall
Marks: None
Period of Probation: 6 months
Station of Gang: Anson
Class: 8 February 1849
Marriage: 27 July 1852 James Speckman
Ticket of Leave: 1 October 1850
Certificate of Freedom: 3 January 1854
Victoria. Deaths. 1884. Web.
Name: Honer Pokenham Speckman
Death Place: Meredith
Age: 76
Spouse: Jas
West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser 20 Nov. 1846. RootsWeb. Ancestry, 8 Oct. 2008. Web.
FELONY - On Monday last, HONOR TREMELLING, who has lived as cook for the last five years at Mr. YORK's, draper, &c., Penzance, was committed for trial at the next borough sessions, for stealing certain monies, the property of her master. A system of robbery is said to have been carried on at Mr. York's for some time past, but every effort to detect the delinquent failed until last Monday forenoon.
Henry Champion was baptized on Oct. 4, 1823 in Camborne, Cornwall, England. Henry passed away on Nov. 13, 1903 at home in Ripley, Michigan. His funeral was on Nov. 15, 1903. He was buried in the Forest Hill Cemetery in Houghton, Michigan.
Cornwall. Online Parish Clerks. Baptisms. 1823. Web.
Date: October 4
Parish: Camborne
Name: Henry Champion
Father: William
Mother: Anne
Residence: Trevorrian
Father's Profession: Miner
Gerardo Joseph Lombardi, with his parents and three older siblings, left Naples, Campania, Italy aboard the Madonna. They arrived at Ellis Island on Dec. 19, 1920. He was baptized on May 11, 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts. He married at St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church.
Branch: USNR | Rank: LTJG |
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Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Ship | F | M | |
1920 | Gerardo Lombardo | ⅓ | Madonna |
Orazio Lombardi was born on May 19, 1881 in San Donato Val di Comino, Frosinone, Lazio, Italy. Orazio married Ludovica Cervi on Oct. 13, 1904 in San Donato Val di Comino. They left Naples, Campania, Italy aboard the Madonna and arrived at Ellis Island on Dec. 19, 1920. He naturalized on Jun. 20, 1927 in Boston, Massachusetts. He passed away in 1966 in Florida.
Year | Name & Age | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | |
1909 | Orazio Lombardi | 28 | Laborer | Romanic | ||
1914 | Orazio Lombardi | 33 | Laborer | Cretic | ||
1920 | Orazio Lombardi | 39 | Laborer | Madonna | ||
1925 | Orazio Lombardi | 42 | Laborer | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | ||
1930 | Orazio Lombardi | 50 | Laborer | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | IT | IT |
1935 | Orazio Lombardi | 53 | Laborer | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | ||
1940 | Orazia Lombardi | 58 | Laborer | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | ||
1945 | Orazio Lombardi | 63 | Laborer | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | ||
1955 | Orazio Lombardi | 73 | Retired | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts |
Florida. Deaths. 1966. FamilySearch. Web.
Certificate: 19308
Name: Orazio Lombardi
Date: Apr 1966
Place: Dade, Florida, United States
Gender: Male
Race: White
Iacocca, Lee A. Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation. Print.
The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. proudly presents this Official Certificate of Registration in The American Immigrant Wall of Honor to officially certify that Orazio and Ludovica Cervi Lombardi came to the United States of America from Italy joining those courageous men and women who came to this country in search of personal freedom, economic opportunity and a future of hope for their families.
Massachusetts. Passengers. 1909. Ancestry. Web.
SS Romanic
Departure: Naples, March 31
Arrival: Boston, April 12
02 Name: Orazio Lombardi
03 Age: 28
04 Sex: Male
05 Married: Yes
06 Occupation: Laborer
07 Literate: Yes
08 Nationality: Italy
09 Race: South Italian
10 Residence: San Donato
11 Wife: Ludovica
12 Destination: Newton
14 Ticket to Destination: No
15 Paid His Own Passage: Yes
16 Possessing: $20
17 Previously in US: Yes
18 Joining: Brother, Domenico
25 Height: 5' 9"
27 Hair: Dark
28 Mark: Scar Left Eyebrow
29 Birth: San Donato, Caserta
Massachusetts. Passengers. 1914. FamilySearch. Web.
SS Cretic
Departure: Naples, March 14
Arrival: Boston, March 26
02 Name: Orazio Lombardi
03 Age: 33
04 Sex: Male
05 Married: Yes
06 Occupation: Laborer
07 Literate: Yes
08 Nationality: Italy
09 Ethnicity: Italian
10 Residence: San Donato
11 Wife: Ludovica
13 Destination: Newton
14 Ticket to Destination: No
15 Paid His Own Passage: Yes
16 Possessing: $30
17 Previously in US: Yes
18 Joining: Brother
23 Health: Good
25 Height: 5' 8"
27 Hair & Eyes: Dark
28 Mark: Scar on Nose
29 Birth: San Donato
United States. Social Security Administration. FamilySearch. Web.
Name: Orazio Lombardi
Birth Date: 19 May 1881
State: Massachusetts
Residence: Florida
ZIP Code: 33161
Death Date: Apr 1966
Ludovica Cervi was born on Jan. 6, 1880 in Alvito, Frosinone, Lazio, Italy. Ludovica married Orazio Lombardi on Oct. 13, 1904 in San Donato Val di Comino, Frosinone. They left Naples, Campania, Italy aboard the Madonna and arrived at Ellis Island on Dec. 19, 1920. She passed away in 1963 in Florida.
Year | Name, Age, Literacy | Occupation | Residence or Ship | F | M | ||
1920 | Ludovica Cervi | 40 | Madonna | ||||
1925 | Ludouica Lombardi | 44 | Housewife | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | |||
1930 | Lodovica Lombardi | 51 | ❌ | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | IT | IT | |
1935 | Ludovica Lombardi | 54 | Housewife | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | |||
1940 | Londovia Lombardi | 60 | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | ||||
1945 | Ludovica Lombardi | 66 | Housewife | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts | |||
1955 | Ludovica Lombardi | 76 | Housewife | Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts |
Florida. Deaths. 1963. FamilySearch. Web.
Certificate: 47121
Name: Ludovica Lombardi
Date: Nov 1963
Place: Broward, Florida, United States
Gender: Female
Race: White
Italia. Passaporto. 1920. Web.
rilasciato a Cervi Lodovica
figlio di Costantino e di Tata Angela
nato a Alvito il 6-1-1880
residente a S Donato V. C. in provincia di Caserta
di condizione casalinga
emigra col marito Lombardi Orazio
United States. Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Certificate of Identification. Boston, 1942. Web.
Alien Registration: 2923734
Name: Ludovica Lombardi
Her Mark: +
Birth Date: Jan. 8, 1879
Born in or Near: St. Donato Italy
Residence in United States: 21 yrs.
Address of Residence: 19 Shepard St. Brighton Mass.
Height: 5 ft., 6 in.
Weight: 130 lb.
Hair: Black
Stamp: Feb. 20, 1942