John Drake was born in 1585 in Devon, England. John died on Aug. 17, 1659 in Windsor, Connecticut.
Barber, J. W. Connecticut Historical Collections. 1849. 131. Web.
The following singular entry appears in the ancient records of the town of Windsor.
Aug. 17th, 1659.—Mr. John Drake, Senr. dyed accidentally, as he was driving a cart loaded with corn to carry from his house to his son Jacob's. The cattle being two oxen and his mare, in the highway against John Griffin's, something scared the cattle, and they set a running, and he laboring to stop them, by taking hold on the mare, was thrown upon his face, and the cart wheele went over him, and broke one of his legs, and bruised his body so that he was taken up dead; being carried into his daughter's house, had life come again, but dyed in a short time, and was buried on the 18th day of August; 59.
Browning, Charles H. The Magna Charta Barons and Their American Descendants. Philadelphia, 1898. 346. Web. This book is not accepted by the Baronial Order of Magna Charta.
Samuel Drake was born in 1624 in England. Samuel married Ann Barlow on Sep. 13, 1650 in Fairfield, Connecticut. He passed away on May 15, 1686 in New York.
"Abstracts of Wills." Collections of the New-York Historical Society. Vol. XXV. 1893. 134-35. Web.
Thomas Dongan, Lieutenant-General and Governor. To all, etc. Know ye that at a Court of Sessions held in Westchester, June 16, 1686, the last will of Samuel Drake was proved, in which his son Joseph was made executor, and Samuel and John Drake were appointed overseers. The same is confirmed, November 20, 1686.
Samuel Drake, Eastchester. "In the Name of God Amen, I Samuel Drake of Eastchester being sicke and weake." Leaves to wife Ann all household goods, "except one bed with furniture sufficient to keep warm in winter, and some pewter, and a kettle, a warming pan, and a bed pan," which are to be delivered back at her decease, and if she remarry, then security to be given for them. Also £4 which is in the hands of my son John Drake. Part of it is to be paid by my son Samuel Drake of Fairfield, Connecticutt. "And £3 a year so long as she remains my widow, and noe longer." Leaves her some cows "and grasse to winter five head of cattle." The dwelling house is to be put in repair for her use. Leaves to son Samuel Drake, "my best horse that is in Fairfield County, and my branding iron." To son John "my bed pan, to be delivered after my wife's decease." Leaves to daughter Mary, £25 to be paid at Fairfield by my son Samuel, and one cow when she is married, and 2 pewter platters and four Porringers. Leaves to his son in law Joseph Jones 5 shillings. To sons in law Lofels and Slatter 5 shillings. To son in law Richard Headley 5 shillings, and the same to grand children Samuel and Robert Headley, Joseph and Samuel Jones, Mary and Hannah Jones, and Martha and Elizabeth Slatter. "My lot of upland, and my lot of meadow at Cornelis, with one half of my home lot in Eastchester," are to be security for the payment of above legacies. Leaves the remainder to his son Joseph Drake, and makes his wife executor. Dated May 3d, 1686. Witnesses, John Tompkins, Richard Shutt.
"Here follows an Inventory of the goods and estate of Samuel Drake, who deceased on the 15th of May, 1686." "One half of Home lot containing 5 acres and the barn, £20. 6 acres of meadow and 8 acres of upland, £28. 2 oxen and 4 cows, £22. Total amount, £170. Taken May 21, 1686.
Joseph Drake was born in 1663 in New York. Joseph married Mary Sarah Shute on Dec. 31, 1685 in New York. He passed away on Mar. 16, 1731 in New York. He was buried in Mount Vernon, New York.
Edwin Laurentine Drake was born on Mar. 29, 1819 in Greenville, New York. Edwin passed away on Nov. 8, 1880 in Pennsylvania at age 61. He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Titusville, Pennsylvania.
Francis Drake was born in Tavistock, Devon, England. Francis married Mary Newman in 1569. He married Elizabeth Sydenham in 1585. He died on Jan. 27, 1596 off the coast of Portobelo, Colón, Panama. His death was due to dysentery. He was buried at sea in a lead coffin, near Portobelo.
Francis Drake passed away on Mar. 11, 1637 in Devon, England.
Legislature | Office | Constituency |
England | MP from Devon | Plympton Erle |
Francis Drake married Dorothy Pym on Jan. 18, 1640. Francis passed away on Jan. 6, 1662.
Legislature | Office | Constituency |
England | MP from Devon | Bere Alston |
Bernard Drake married Gertrude Fortescue. Bernard passed away on Apr. 10, 1586 in Devon, England.
Joseph Rodman Drake was born on Aug. 7, 1795 in New York. Joseph married Sarah Eckford in 1816. He died on Sep. 21, 1820 in New York. His death at age 25 was due to tuberculosis. He was buried in the Joseph Rodman Drake Park in New York.
Richard Drake married Ursula Stafford. Richard passed away on Jul. 11, 1603 in Devon, England.
Legislature | Office | Constituency |
England | MP from Norfolk | Castle Rising |
England | MP from Northumberland | Morpeth |
John Drake married Dorothy Button. John passed away on Apr. 11, 1628 in Musbury, Devon, England.
Legislature | Office | Constituency |
England | MP from Devon | |
England | MP from Dorset | Lyme Regis |
John Drake was baptized on Apr. 4, 1625. John passed away on Jul. 6, 1669.
Legislature | Office | Constituency |
England | MP from Dorset | Bridport |
Elizabeth Prideaux married Robert Drake.
Burke, John, and John Bernard Burke. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland. Vol. I. London, 1847. 347. Web.
Robert, of Wiscomb Park, in the parish of South Legh, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Humphrey Prideaux, Esq. of Theoborough, and had issue seven sons and three daus.
Dwight, M. E. "Ancestry of John Drake of Windsor, Ct." The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. XXVII. 1896. 182. Web.
19. Paganus de Prideaux of Prideaux Co., Corn.
18. Richard de Prideaux, Knt.
17. Baldwin de Prideaux, Knt.
16. Nicholas de Prideaux
15. Herndon Prideaux of Orcharton
14. Richard Prideaux, Knt., m. Eleanor Mortimer
13. Geoffrey Prideaux, Knt., m. Isabel Montacute
12. Peter Prideaux, m. Joan Bigbury
11. Ralph Prideaux, Knt., m. Elis. Treverbyn
10. Roger Prideaux, Knt., m. Elis. Clifford
09. John Prideaux, Knt., m. Joan Adeston
08. Giles Prideaux of Adeston
07. John Prideaux, Knt., m. Anne Shapton
06. William Prideaux, m. Alice Giffard
05. Fulk Prideaux, m. Katharine Pointz
04. Humphrey Prideaux, m. Edith Hatch
03. Elisabeth Prideaux, m. Robert Drake
Philippa Denys married William Drake.
Burke, John, and John Bernard Burke. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland. Vol. I. London, 1847. 347. Web.
William, Esq. of Wiscombe, m. Philippa, dau. of Sir Robt. Denys, Knt. of Haliscomb, and had issue.
Robert Drake married Elizabeth Prideaux. Robert died on Mar. 30, 1600. He was buried in St Lawrence's Church in Southleigh, Devon, England.
Amie Grenville married John Drake. Amie passed away on Feb. 18, 1577. She was buried in St Michael's Church in Musbury, Devon, England.
William Drake married Philippa Dennys.
Browning, Charles H. The Magna Charta Barons and Their American Descendants. Philadelphia, 1898. 430. Web. This book is not accepted by the Baronial Order of Magna Charta.
16. WILLIAM DRAKE, of Wiscombe Park, who m. Philippa, daughter of Sir Robert Dennys, of Holcombe, Devon, who d. 1592