
Dream Log Entry 70

I was at a club with my mom and Miley Cyrus was MC. Miley was passing out Lady Gaga rings that looked like small versions of the ring from Mars Attacks! Then my mom and I decided to go outside where they were setting up life-sized working movie props e.g. spider‑like Martian craft.

Dream Log Entry 69

Part One

Daniel, Greg, Scott, and Teena each had their own rooms at my dad’s house. Daniel complained about my dad’s behavior and played with Piglet dolls. Greg played games on his PSP, and Scott drank sparkling wine. Teena hid herself in her room most of the time.

Part Two

I watched a movie called Faith with Scott. It was about a ghost who gets impregnated by God. Every time the ghost sees a fountain she jumps in and lifts up her skirt.

Part Three

I was dining with a middle-aged man in a busy restaurant. I told him about the movie I watched, which greatly offended him. He carried me down the stairs and threw me out of the restaurant. There was an old phone attached to the side of the building so I used it to try and get a different table, this time with two strangers. They served me pink and yellow steak while I was standing at the bar.

Dream Log Entry 68

The power was out at night and there was gang violence in my neighborhood. Gang members were going into people’s houses and placing small boxy devices in strategic places on the floor. We thought the devices were bombs so we destroyed them with our shotgun. Later on I was in the basement looking for a good place to hide. Eventually my parents came home and told me the boxes were really recording devices. The dog kept interrupting us by biting me and jumping all over the place. This was his way of letting us know that he is old and about to die. A few minutes later his body disappeared and his lifeless head was all that remained. Then my dad threw his head across the room and blood splattered all over the floor. This made us very mad at him.

Dream Log Entry 67

Shirley, Jamie, and Rikki were my roommates in Boulder. We got a robotic dog and we named it Fifi. Our real dog did not like Fifi at all. We left the dogs at home and on our way to the swimming pool we saw a shadow on the mountains that looked like the anarchy symbol.


Dream Log Entry 66

I was part of a Cirque du Soleil esque performance in an auditorium that resembled the one at Lesher Junior High. Hannah and Heather were also performing but Hannah was mad because Heather was improvising too much.



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