Submitted by Dreamer on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 12:40
Part One
There was marshland underneath my aunt’s house and it was my job to get some of the water flowing and I was surprised that I didn’t get swept away with the Native American artifacts.
Part Two
Dan and Tim wanted to call their band Sticks & Stones but I told them that name was already taken by like 40,000 other bands.
Submitted by Dreamer on Thu, 12/25/2008 - 20:47
I had a vision that cops would ruin my car and they did when they were chasing people in my neighborhood who had semi-automatic weapons and who may have been the same people who trashed my house.
Submitted by Dreamer on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 17:57
Part One
It was nighttime in a parking lot and Seth found some cop’s gun. He ‘accidentally’ shot Teena in the shoulder even though we were both watching her when he did it.
Part Two
Scott and I were on a boat in the ocean in Japan that had a restaurant on it with a long line to the counter. Clear fish kept jumping on the deck and when you put them in chlorine they turned into lizards and you could crack them open and eat their gooey centers. When we finally got to the counter they didn’t have any unagi but I guess that makes sense because unagi is freshwater eel.
Part Three
I was about to drive to a concert with Austin and Sage and some other guy but wasps were flying around in my car.
Submitted by Dreamer on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 18:36
I was chained to a drinking fountain in a dirty police station. Joanna came up to me and asked me what I did to get in this place but I couldn’t remember being arrested or doing anything wrong. Then my teeth started crumbling and they all fell out of my mouth and into a trash can.
Submitted by Dreamer on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 22:00
I gave birth to a poodle and then I went to a picnic and poured myself a glass of rosé and Teena showed up so I went looking for a matching glass for her but she didn’t drink any because she was too tired. Then I went to the same hot springs that I had met Mistah F.A.B. at once and there was a Celtic lady following me around. Then I went to a Weezer concert at the Pepsi Center and I started giving candy bars to random people and you could pay $4500 to have a room in the Pepsi Center demolished.