I was in downtown Fort Collins, which looked more like New York City. I went into a store, but didn’t see anything good. As I was trying to leave, two men who ran the store decided to give me a free bed. Somehow that proved to them that I hadn’t stolen anything. Then I found myself in some kind of opening ceremony exhibition at a large fashion school. There were thousands of student models, male and female, in a sort of catwalk that spiraled and spanned several floors. Afterward we all sat in rows as the teachers gave their formal introduction. Then Kristin and I explored the dormitories. We saw Kelly but then she went for a quick walk outside and discussed something important with some emo kid. She came back inside and started walking around talking on her phone. Then I went to the tenth floor with the black guy from my psychology class so we could see where she was going. We watched and to our surprise she turned into a penny. I ran to the nearest elevator and almost closed it on the other guy but then changed my mind. It was probably the fastest elevator ever. I picked up the penny and one near it just in case. Then I saw Ross and a CS nerd and we discussed Java and C++. then the CS guy showed me a video of Greg on his camcorder.